October 5, 2024

The Power Behind Your Tongue

The Power Behind Your Tongue

Have you ever thought of your tongue as just a red, long muscle lying neatly in your mouth?

It’s actually much more than that.

Your tongue isn’t just for sampling ice cream flavors or mastering complicated tongue twisters (though it excels at both).

In fact, it’s also responsible for several important tasks that often go unnoticed, like speaking words!

Throughout history, words have mattered.

God used words to speak the world into existence. He said, ‘Let there be,’ and there was.

Thus, words have always played a significant role, even in the lives of humankind.

They have the power to shape our lives: they can bring people together, heal broken hearts, and inspire greatness.

Alternatively, they can destroy relationships, cause deep pain, and leave lasting scars.

Moreover, the Bible highlights the immense power of the tongue.

It notes that what we say can have profound consequences, significantly impacting both our lives and those around us, either positively or negatively.

Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.

Proverbs 18:21

Our Tongues as Sharp Swords

Proverbs 12:18 reminds us that reckless words pierce like sharp swords, while wise speech brings healing.

Hurtful insults, slanderous gossip, and inflammatory statements can cause lasting damage, impacting a person’s self-esteem and overall well-being.

This effect is not limited to teens; it affects adults as well.

At some point, we’ve all experienced biting comments from a colleague, verbal attacks on social media, or thoughtless remarks from a loved one.

Sometimes people comment on others’ weight, complexion, teeth, head shape, legs, stomach, skin, and height, using these comments to body shame them.

Undeniably, such remarks should not be used to intentionally hurt others, but unfortunately, they are.

These experiences show us just how much hurtful words can sting.

As children of God, we are called to be different, using our words with care and intention.

Even if we notice flaws in those around us, our speech should reflect God’s love and grace through kindness and righteousness, rather than being used as weapons to hurt others.

The Power of Positive Words

Just as harmful words can inflict pain, positive words can uplift, encourage, and heal.

Proverbs 16:24 wisely states, “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Consider a time when someone spoke kind words to you that lifted your spirit.

Perhaps it was a heartfelt compliment, a word of encouragement, or simply a ‘thank you.’

Indeed, positive words have the power to bring life to situations that seem hopeless

It may not seem like much, but sometimes a kind word brings God’s healing touch where it is most needed by someone suffering from emotional struggles.

Such instances create a ripple effect, extending far beyond our immediate interactions

The Responsibility of Choosing Our Words Carefully

Do you remember the iconic phrase from the Spider-Man comic series, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’?

This concept applies equally to the use of our words.

Since we all harness the power of the tongue, we have a duty to use it wisely and responsibly.

James 3:5-6 vividly illustrates the immense potential for destruction that lies within our tongues.

A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it!

It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that.

By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.

James 3:5-6

As we navigate through life and grow older, we must exercise discernment in our choice of words.

What we say matters, whether we fully realize it or not.

While we should not take the weight of our words lightly, it doesn’t mean we can’t be cheerful in our communication.

Laughter has the power to lighten a dim mood.

When used appropriately, humor can bring people together, and create enjoyable memories.

After all, who doesn’t appreciate witty banter or a well-timed joke with loved ones?

However, we must use humor judiciously.

Sometimes, we get carried away, especially when we’re too comfortable, and end up blurting out things we shouldn’t.

This can lead to issues between friends, family members, and even romantic partners.

That’s why we’re always advised to think before we speak.

It doesn’t diminish our fun; it simply makes us responsible for what we say and helps us avoid unnecessary trouble.

It All Comes Down To This!

Our tongues are a vital part of who we are.

A person without a tongue cannot speak, making life challenging without the ability to express one’s needs.

Therefore, we should not take the invaluable gift of speech for granted.

Remember, every time you speak, people are paying attention, even if you don’t realize it.

A careless word or statement can jeopardize opportunities, and this risk is magnified online.

Although you might delete a careless post or comment, digital footprints never die.

Someone may have saved it, and it could resurface years later, potentially causing significant damage.

Moreover, people will inevitably test our patience, stepping on our toes and provoking us.

While we can’t always control how others speak to us, we can control our reactions.

It takes immense patience and discipline to respond thoughtfully and to make this a habitual practice.

We have the opportunity to use our tongues for good, so we should wield this power wisely.

Let our words be a source of light, reflecting God’s love in a world that desperately needs healing.

I urge each of you today to commit to using your words responsibly, understanding the profound impact they can have on lives and making the world a bit more bearable.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Great piece from Shalom. You really spoke to me with your words. Thank you.

  • Great read! Your perspective on this topic is refreshing.

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