October 5, 2024

Why is Sex Before Marriage a Big Deal?

Why is Sex Before Marriage a Big Deal?

Premarital sex is a sensitive topic that many people avoid discussing, mostly because it can lead to strong reactions.

I know a guy who was torn between having sex as a teenager and following the teaching of waiting until marriage.

He couldn’t find adequate reasons why it was such a big deal to wait.

Besides, aren’t young people supposed to make the most of their youth and have fun while they can?

Eventually, he admitted, “After much internal struggle, I went ahead and had sex. And I enjoyed it.”

Many of us can relate to this struggle.

These days, even Christians don’t understand why anyone would choose to wait for marriage to have sex.

Why is sex before marriage considered so wrong?

What are the consequences of having sex before marriage, and what rewards come from abstaining while single?

If a person decides to stay unmarried, do they remain celibate throughout their life?

Let’s talk about it.

Doesn’t Sex Create Intimacy and Connection?

Many young people support having sex with a dating partner, believing it brings them closer and helps them determine compatibility.

However, having sex doesn’t guarantee the deep emotional intimacy that people often seek.

Moreover, if someone has sex with a partner and finds it unsatisfying, they might seek out another person and face similar issues.

This raises the question: does this mean they will continue searching for new partners until they find one who meets their needs?

That’s madness, I tell you!

Engaging in multiple sexual relationships not only jeopardizes your emotional stability but also connects your soul spiritually with all the people you sleep with.

So, before sending that “Netflix and chill” text to your dating partner or anyone else, reflect on 1 Corinthians 7:2.

But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband.

1 Corinthians 7:2

This verse clearly calls sex before marriage a form of sexual immorality.

In fact, all Bible passages that condemn sexual immorality also consider premarital sex sinful.

It’s unfortunate that, in the past and even today, people still pressure girls to engage in sexual acts to show true affection and prove love.

People still believe that satisfying a man sexually in a dating relationship is crucial for his happiness and fear that if you don’t, he might look for it elsewhere.

While showing your love to your partner through both words and actions is important, it doesn’t mean you should compromise your physical boundaries.

Moreover, timing plays a crucial role in relationships, and taking things gradually helps maintain a sense of excitement.

The Blueprint of God’s Design for Sex

The Bible says, “But God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation”.

It goes on to declare, “This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one”.

The Bible highlights a deep, mysterious bond in marital intimacy.

Having sex before marriage can spoil this special gift because it lacks the commitment and promise that marriage brings.

Without exchanging vows, couples can’t fully appreciate the true value of intimate moments.

God wants men and women to enjoy sex only within marriage.

He designed sex for both pleasure and for creating children within a family.

Therefore, having sex before marriage breaks these guidelines and disrupts the family structure God intends for humanity.

Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

Hebrews 13:4

Purity is Still Worth Fighting For

Waiting until marriage can be challenging, but staying sexually pure enhances our well-being and aligns with God’s plan for our happiness.

Even if you’ve stumbled in the past, there is hope and restoration through God’s forgiveness and grace when you seek it.

It is true that we naturally have sexual desires, but staying pure is still possible.

It begins with the decision to wait until marriage and involves setting clear boundaries to support that choice.

This includes avoiding situations that may lead to temptation or compromise.

We also need to guard our minds by being selective about the content we consume.

This means avoiding sexually explicit media like pornography, which can change how we view sex and make it harder to stay committed.

Also, be mindful of TV shows, movies, or music that promote casual sex or behaviors that go against your values.

As even seemingly harmless entertainment can subtly influence your thoughts.

Furthermore, choosing sexual purity before marriage helps avoid emotional complications and protects both yourself and your future relationships.

By honoring God with our bodies, we make a commitment that will be worth the wait.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Its clear, concise, and thought-provoking.

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