October 5, 2024

The Love Story: Episode 3

The Love Story: Episode 3

Ready?, Set, Love!

Some people realize they’re falling in love after a single moment.

For others, it’s a gradual process that unfolds over months or even years through small gestures and interactions.

The sensation of butterflies, the euphoria, and the rush of dopamine all contribute to the whirlwind of emotions that consume one’s heart and mind.

Susan felt no differently.

However, Susan’s growing intensity of feelings for Jaden left her uncertain.

She questioned whether his Valentine’s Day invitation was merely a friendly gesture or something deeper.

Throughout their evening at the movies, they shared popcorn and indulged in numerous drinks, yet Jaden didn’t make any romantic advances.

He didn’t hold her hand or embrace her, not even after he escorted her home.

Despite Susan’s subtle hints and inquiries about his preferences regarding relationships, his ideal kind of woman, his genotype, and the future, Jaden remained aloof.

He was goofy the entire time, yet beyond that, there was no further indication of romantic interest.

Perhaps he’s just being a gentleman,” Susan mused, recalling that gentlemen typically exhibit proper conduct.

After all, Jaden was such a sweet guy.

Over the past two months of getting to know each other, they genuinely enjoyed each other’s company.

In the pits of her stomach, Susan hoped that Jaden would eventually pop the question, “Would you be my girlfriend?”

Despite other men’s sudden attention post-texting spree, Susan remained sought after by men her age, all vying for her contact.

While it was enjoyable to bask in the attention, she didn’t want any other guys. Her heart remained steadfastly set on Jaden.

She believed she’d ultimately reached a point where she could say she knew him well.

But is knowing someone for just two months enough?

Well, Susan wanted to give it the green light.


Jaden often found himself thinking about Susan and felt ready to take their relationship to the next level.

He believed her upcoming 18th birthday presented the perfect opportunity to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Susan, transitioning into adulthood, seemed mature enough for her to make important decisions for herself.

Consequently, he didn’t foresee any significant issues with entering a relationship with her.


Despite anticipating the occasion each year, Susan preferred quieter birthdays.

It had been a tradition all her life—a birthday song around the dining table with her parents, a small cake adorned with flickering candles, ice cream, and karaoke.

This year, Jaden hoped to make it a little more special.

In the past, he had asked all his previous girlfriends out on their birthdays, and their reactions were always the same: a squeal, a hug, and a yes.

He was certain Susan wouldn’t be any different.

Though he acknowledged that his previous relationships had failed due to his shortcomings, each woman was different from the last, yet they all ended the same way.

His tendency to preempt surprises led to arguments and resentment.

While telling himself he’d changed and was ready to reenter the dating scene, a part of him knew there was still work to be done, but he didn’t care.

Susan was the one in the picture now, and he was eager to see what she could offer him in return for his affection.


Susan’s 18th birthday arrived, and just before she left the house, she received her birthday song, blew out the candles on her cake, and received big hugs from her parents, eagerly anticipating the rest of the tradition later that night.

She had no idea there was a birthday surprise waiting for her from Jaden.

After a long day at school, Jaden asked her to meet up with him.

He confessed his feelings, finally asking her the question she had longed to hear.

As expected, she squealed with joy, hugged him tightly, and said yes.

They were officially a couple now.

For Susan, this was her first relationship, and the excitement was overwhelming.

She couldn’t wait to share the news with her friends and her mom, imagining their surprised and delighted reactions.

Despite knowing there might be teasing, she was thrilled to be in love with Jaden, and she wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

As Susan’s mind buzzed with thoughts of her newfound love, Jaden dropped an unexpected bombshell: he was willing to pursue a relationship with her, but under one condition—she must keep a secret.

She couldn’t tell anyone about their relationship.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Such an interesting story 🤗. I can’t wait for the fourth episode. I think I’ll be learning something huge soon.

  • This article provides some fascinating insights! I appreciate the depth and clarity of the information.

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