October 5, 2024

The Love Story: Episode 6

The Love Story: Episode 6

Is It Over Already?

A dead end… that place that leads absolutely nowhere.

Your mind starts urging you to cease the pursuit and give yourself a break.

Even as your heart tugs at your strings, attempting to sway you otherwise, deep down, you know it’s time to halt and walk away.

Susan found herself in this predicament.

She had done nothing more than try to show Jaden that she was deserving of his love and affection.

All she had done was love him.

Had she committed any other crime?”

It hurt her like hell, with regret weighing heavily upon her.

She wished she had never met Jaden, never fallen for him.

As her relationship spiraled into a disaster, Susan reached a point of exhaustion.

Over the past eight months, she had cried herself to sleep more times than she could count.

She had given Jaden her time, her money, her trust, her body—everything, only to be consistently taken for granted.

She had given him her time, her money, her trust, her body—everything, only to find him consistently taking her for granted.

Susan felt foolish, as she had desperately hoped that sharing her virginity with the man she loved would hold significant meaning for both of them.

Despite her efforts to please him in every possible way, she found herself becoming disappointed and disheartened.

Little did she realize that with each instance of shamelessly surrendering herself, she diminished her value in her boyfriend’s eyes.

Susan understood what she had to do.

She needed to confront Jaden. Though she had attempted it before, his excuses remained consistently lame.

This time, they needed to engage in a genuine conversation and make crucial decisions.


For 8 months, Jaden had endured Susan’s complaints about his inability to fulfill her desired level of affection.

Perhaps it was time to let her go.

He knew he was always the problem, but his pride wouldn’t let him admit it.

He preferred to be known as the guy whom ladies always desired, rather than the one they disliked.

Jaden was well aware of his charm; his good looks consistently drew the attention of beautiful women.

However, he wasn’t interested in committing to anyone, at least not now.

It was unfortunate that Susan wasn’t the one he would ever consider actually being with. And so, he had to let her go.

There was nothing inherently wrong with her. She embodied everything he could want. Yet, she simply wasn’t the one for him.

He thought that perhaps another man someday would appreciate her.


Jaden and Susan agreed to meet up for the conversation they both knew was inevitable.

Emotions ran high as they spoke.

Susan shared her sadness and frustration, while Jaden expressed his need to prioritize other aspects of his life over their relationship.

The discussion escalated into screaming, anger, and tears, with both of them pointing blame.

Eventually, they reached a point of acceptance, realizing that they had reached their limit and it was time to close this chapter of their lives.

The breakup would weigh heavier on Susan than on Jaden, but they both recognized that they needed to bid each other farewell.


Susan’s heart shattered, inflicting a pain she had never experienced before.

It felt as if her chest would explode, as if someone had forcibly torn her heart out.

The unbearable hurt consumed her; she longed for it to stop.

Throughout her now-ended relationship, Susan kept it a secret, silently bearing the pain alone.

But she knew she couldn’t keep it all inside anymore. She feared losing herself if she didn’t confide in someone.

So, she decided to talk to her mother, the one person she knew wouldn’t judge her harshly for her mistakes.

Though she anticipated her mother’s disappointment about losing her virginity for attention, Susan trusted that she could share anything with her without being shut out.

After several days of struggling to gather herself, Susan finally opened up, revealing that she had been feeling sick, crying incessantly, and barely eating.

She reflected on her mistakes, blaming herself entirely.

Mother listened attentively, her anger rising at her daughter’s decision to keep such a serious matter hidden for so long.

But her fury peaked at Jaden’s unjust actions towards Susan.

Reprimanding Susan for her errors, Mother urged her to heed the warning signs next time and never settle for someone who doesn’t appreciate her worth.

Concurrently, she assured Susan of her unwavering love and promised that someday someone would treat her right.

Mother spoke candidly, explaining that the pain wouldn’t ease immediately but would gradually over time.

Assuring her daughter that it was okay to cry as much as she needed, she vowed to always be by her side whenever she needed anything.

At that moment, Susan felt immensely blessed.

What more could she ask for than her mother’s unconditional love and unwavering support through every step of her recovery from the breakup?

It was going to be a long journey ahead.


The pain gradually eased weeks later as Susan immersed herself in various distractions to divert her thoughts, yet there was one more person she needed to confess to and seek reconciliation with.

It wasn’t Jaden, her mother, or her best friends whom she had kept her relationship a secret from.

It was God.

Susan acknowledged her disobedience and how she had turned away from God, using parts of scripture to justify her sinful behaviour.

She understood that every action has consequences, whether good or bad, and hers had led her to a painful place.

In prayer, she sought forgiveness, admitting her intentional wrongdoing and poor decisions.

She recognized the error of only feeling remorse once confronted with the consequences.

After surrendering her pain to God and trusting Him to guide her life, Susan experienced a sense of peace.

Reflecting on her mother’s acceptance and lack of judgment despite rebuking her, she realized that if her earthly mother could show such love, her Heavenly Father, who knows and loves her more than anyone in the world, could offer even greater love.

There’s hope.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Inevitably all things must come to an end, especially bad things. We can’t dine with the devil and expect to go scott free.

    • You’re absolutely right.
      Thank you so much for reading 💙.

  • An excellent article that provided a lot of valuable information. It was both enjoyable and educational.

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