October 5, 2024

The Love Story: Episode 7

The Love Story: Episode 7

Never Say Never

Our first experiences leave a lasting imprint on us in a big way.

Think about the first time you learned to ride a bike, got paid for a job, or traveled somewhere far from home. But one of the biggest firsts is falling in love—a piece that stays with us forever.

It holds onto innocence, and believes in lasting devotion.

It encompasses friendship, care, the ups and downs of learning, embraces that unforgettable first hug.

Embodies youth and all our hopeful notions about romance.

And in the end, these fragments of our firsts remind us of where we’ve been and who we once were.

Sometimes, they become the foundation upon which we build our understanding of true love, shaping our future relationships with wisdom.


Several months had passed, yet Susan still struggled with moving on.

Memories of her breakup with Jaden flashed vividly through her mind as if it had just happened yesterday.

Maybe, she pondered, there’s truth to the saying that ‘we never truly get over our first love’.

However, she knew that healing takes time, a truth her mother had reminded her of repeatedly.

Eventually, things did improve.

Susan found herself rediscovering joy in the activities she loved. Moreover, she returned to school, spent time with friends, and immersed herself in learning.

Eventually, Susan reached a point where she could openly discuss her experience with Jaden with others.

Finding humour in recounting her mistakes and the lessons she had learned.


As a year passed, Susan grew older and wiser, blossoming into her own.

Despite the frequent approaches from young guys, she remained cautious, mindful of protecting her heart.

Although she couldn’t get her virginity back, she refused to harbor resentment.

Instead, Susan made a promise to herself to keep her body for the only man she’d be walking down the aisle with someday.

In the face of persistent romantic advances from these young men, Susan held onto her mother’s advice, to never settle for anything less than she deserved.

Though physical attraction held its importance, she understood better that it couldn’t be the sole basis for a meaningful relationship.

Susan believed she was going to find someone someday, who offered more—a man who valued her for her entirety.


Just like where it all began, Susan and Jaden crossed paths once more.

Her father’s pharmaceutical store had expanded significantly, requiring a new shipment managed by Jaden and his team, who had secured the contract once again due to their past performance.

Jaden found himself present to ensure everything met the standards set by Susan’s father.

Seeing Susan, still as captivating as their first encounter a year prior, as she entered her father’s store, stirred something within Jaden.

Their eyes met, and his heart raced.

Uncertain if it was guilt or admiration, Jaden felt uneasy.

He reflected on how poorly he had treated her, despite her unwavering love and efforts to prove her affection.

Jaden had never experienced such remorse or felt this guilty about breaking a girl’s heart until this moment.

Perhaps it was Susan’s confident stride or her apparent indifference to his presence that wounded his ego.

Since their breakup, Susan had not reached out, departing from the norm of Jaden being pursued, begged for second chances, and pleaded with to stay in relationships.

Susan didn’t engage in any of those behaviors.

Jaden realized he might be experiencing the adage ‘you don’t know what you have until you lose it.’

And the sting was real.


Seeing the person you once loved so deeply after a long time can be hard.

Even after you’ve tried to combat the pain of why you both had to part ways, seeing them can spark some sad memories on the spot.

As Susan walked into the store, encountering Jaden, she had to put in everything she could to be as mature as possible.

She smiled walking past him and went about her business.

Struggling to avoid the temptation of going to look over at him and his team as they worked, Susan filled her mind with reassuring words from scripture that say, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

She knew it wasn’t going to be easy seeing Jaden around, but this time she wasn’t going to hover or pity herself for falling for someone like him.

She’d taken a step before, and it almost destroyed her. This time she was going to do things right.

Never in her life had she imagined she’d get to this point, but she wasn’t going to let what happened to her stop her from living a happy and fulfilled life.

Susan had waited desperately for an apology from Jaden, which she never got, and she decided to make peace with it.

As more time passed, Susan realized that while her first relationship wasn’t rosy, it wasn’t going to be the last.

She understood that she couldn’t control the way other people behaved, but she had control over how she chose to respond to people’s attitudes towards her.

The pain of her first love would always be a part of her story, but it no longer defined her.

She drew her strength from the ultimate source, constantly reminding herself that God says:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”

With a newfound sense of confidence in her heart, Susan knew that she was ready for whatever life had in store for her next.

She was in safe hands, and that’s all that mattered.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Karma truly always has a way of caching up to wicked people. Jaden deserves every form of guilt. I’m glad Susan got the liberation she deserved.

    • Yes, she did! 😊
      Thank you so much for reading 💙.

  • I remember how hard it was for me to get over my first love. It’s truly not easy. 6 years down the line now and it still stings sometimes but God is helping me each day. I’m happy. Thank you Mustard Way for this series.

    • We’re so glad you’re doing better and getting by each day. You’re a winner and you’ve got what it takes.
      Thank you so much for reading 💙.

  • Such is life. May God deliver us from evil people and may we find the love we all deserve.

    • Thank you so much for reading 💙.

  • Fantastic insights! Your article is very refreshing.

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