October 5, 2024

Why Should What I Wear Matter?

Why Should What I Wear Matter?

Today, diverse and ever-evolving fashion trends and styles dominate our society.

That’s right—Plunging necklines, crop tops, and sheer fabrics characterize this era.

Indeed, in a culture obsessed with identity, our inclination to adopt these trends mirrors a collective aspiration to emulate the chicness of our peers.

In a society fixated on identity, our desire to update these looks often reflects a shared aspiration to be as groovy as our peers.

We use social media as a platform to showcase not only our preferences and possessions but also our attractiveness, and—from our bodies to our relationships.

Thus, our clothing choices, whether for a special occasion or a regular day, serve as more than just a personal preference.

They speak volumes about who we are and how we want to be perceived by the world.

Modesty Standards

The concept of modesty is daring, ringing in our ears almost daily and sparking endless discussion.

It’s like playing a game of hide-and-seek with fashion.

You want to look good and attract attention, but you also want to keep things classy and stylish.

Nevertheless, beneath the surface lies a longstanding gender-specific emphasis, particularly on girls and women, raising questions about fairness and equality.

Guys don’t seem to have to endure endless scrutiny about their wardrobes, which doesn’t seem fair.

In church dialogues about modesty, the spotlight tends to shine solely on women’s attire.

It’s a familiar narrative: men are deemed visually vulnerable, while women are tasked with shielding them from temptation.

The discussion often boils down to a checklist of inquiries:

Does this neckline extend too far? Is this hemline overly elevated? Does this fabric cling excessively? Is this design overly revealing?

There’s always something we’re told to watch out for in women’s clothing.

However, modesty transcends gender boundaries, yet the devil cunningly steers us towards viewing it through a narrow lens.

Men can also choose whether to be modest or not, and this should encourage them to think carefully.

To make thoughtful choices in how they present themselves.

Just Fashion Sense or Something More?

Our clothing communicates messages about our identity, beliefs, and desired perceptions.

We express ourselves through our attire, conveying our personality and social identity.

Whether intentional or subconscious, we use clothing to signal belonging, express individuality, and communicate values and beliefs.

And for good reason—it’s a vital principle in the gospel, guiding not just our outward appearance but also our inner thoughts and behaviors.

In our upbringing within the church, modesty has served as a cornerstone lesson.

As we’ve matured, we discover that the teachings on modesty often revolve around how we dress or present ourselves physically.

We have been cautioned against revealing clothing, bold hairstyles, or flashy adornments like piercings and tattoos.

However, modesty extends beyond mere appearances; it encompasses the essence of who we are.

It’s about practicing humility, showing respect, and acting with sincerity in our actions and interactions.

It involves demonstrating respect to God in everything we do, regardless of our gender.

So, while our upbringing may have emphasized the externals, true modesty requires a deeper examination of our inner selves and how we carry ourselves in the world.

Scripture tells us in 1 Samuel 16:7, “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Honoring God

When we focus on cultivating inner modesty, we become more receptive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

This Spirit leads us to understand how to embody modesty in our dress, speech, and conduct in every area of life.

Jesus Christ serves as the ultimate example of humility and modesty, continually directing attention back to the Father rather than himself.

His life exemplified complete selflessness and submission to God’s will, prioritizing the exaltation of the Father above all else.

As Christians, our primary focus should mirror Christ’s example, making him the center of our lives and reflecting his humility and selflessness in all that we do.

By prioritizing our identity in Christ and living in a manner that glorifies him rather than ourselves, we embody true modesty and fulfill our calling as followers of Christ.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

As spring brings new fashion trends like bodycon silhouettes, mini skirts, and high slits, Christians may find themselves divided on the issue of modesty.

Some may adopt a strict stance, scrutinizing women’s clothing choices to ensure they cover enough skin.

While others resist such restrictions, advocating for feminine freedom.

However, the Bible challenges both the legalistic and permissive mindsets when it comes to modesty.

Instead of focusing solely on outward appearances, it calls us to reject judgemental, rule-based approaches and embrace modesty as a virtue that encompasses the heart.

Ultimately, both men and women are called to wholeheartedly embrace modesty as a beautiful virtue, not as a confining restriction.

By doing so, we honor God and cultivate a deeper understanding of modesty that goes beyond mere clothing choices.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


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