October 5, 2024

Online Confidence vs. Modesty

Online Confidence vs. Modesty

So much is constantly being said about modesty.

Moreover, with the world comprising different areas of human capacity, it now has taken on a more holistic expression.

Isn’t it cool how humans can talk to themselves inside their heads?

It’s like having a private chat where we think about stuff and come up with new ideas.

Additionally, when we really think about things, it can totally change how we see the world.

But here’s something to think about: social media and how it makes it super easy to brag about ourselves and forget about self-respect.

It’s like everyone’s shouting about how great they are, what they have, and it’s not always a good thing.

Realizing this is like a wake-up call.

It shows we need to be more careful online. We shouldn’t be showing off all the time.

Maybe it’s time to be a bit more modest and humble, especially on the internet where it’s easy to get carried away.

And this is inevitably a work in progress.

The Digital Dilemma

It seems like people aren’t being very modest nowadays, especially on the internet.

Everyone’s trying to show off and be the best, without thinking much about the adverse consequences.

On social media, there is an overwhelming number of people who consistently expose their business to the public, where anyone is able to see them.

One look at TikTok and Instagram, reveals this tendency that young people have for putting themselves and their business out there without even thinking twice.

The internet is a very dangerous place. It is akin to a mixed bag.

On one hand, it’s fun to share what’s going on in your life and see what your friends are up to. But on the other hand, there are all these trolls and mean comments flying around.

It feels like some people are just keeping tabs on your every move, ready to criticize.

Revealing too much of your personal business can attract serious unwanted consequences.

Whether it’s showing too much skin or sharing sensitive information, the risks are significant.

Speaking carelessly can also lead to negative outcomes.

It’s sad to say, but it’s simply the cruel world we live in.

People lack human decency, and the moment they find the opportunity to use your mistakes on the internet against you, they will.

It’s relatively true to say that – the internet never forgets.

Enticements of the Digital Realm

On the internet, the temptations to compromise ourselves and succumb to certain standards are ever-present.

Ultimately, these should not be our focus.

Social media platforms can foster a toxic culture, where our worth is measured by likes, followers, and external validation.

In this environment, maintaining modesty requires steadfastness in our convictions and a commitment to honoring God in all that we do.

The things we say online, the way we respond to hate, and the things we put out there for the world to see should reflect a significant part of who we are.

It represents what we represent as children of God.

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus exhorts us:

By embodying modesty in our online presence, we have the opportunity to reflect the light of Christ and draw others closer to Him.

Strategies for Practicing Modesty Online

Practicing modesty in the digital age requires intentional reflection and discernment.

Rather than conforming to societal pressures or seeking validation from others, we can find true freedom in living out our boldness the right way.

Here are some practical strategies for incorporating Christian values into our online interactions:

1. Cultivate a Heart of Humility: Ground your online presence in humility, recognizing that true beauty comes from a heart surrendered to God.

2. Guard Your Eyes and Mind: Be mindful of the content you consume and share online, avoiding anything that compromises your values or leads others astray.

3. Choose Authenticity over Perfection: Embrace vulnerability and authenticity in your online interactions, sharing your faith journey with honesty and transparency.

4. Prioritize Relationship over Recognition: Shift your focus from seeking validation from others to cultivating meaningful relationships grounded in mutual respect.

Walking in Grace

The digital world can be like a big, confusing maze.

There are so many things happening all at once, and it’s easy to get lost in it all. You might start trying to fit in or seeking attention.

However, with social media, it’s like there’s always someone watching and judging what you do. It can feel like you’re not good enough unless you’re getting lots of likes and followers.

All these pressures can make you forget who you really are and what’s important to you.

Despite this, social media is an important part of our culture today and this seems unlikely to change.

Therefore, the importance of spreading the idea of modesty to social media is crucial because of how many young people use the platform and are faced with the pressure to post content that they do not necessarily wish to.

Nevertheless, in this online world, we can reflect our Christian values. We can be careful about what we share and be real about who we are.

Instead of seeking likes and followers, we can focus on building real relationships and being kind to others.

Remembering Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:16, let’s shine our light online by being modest and showing God’s love.

Let’s use our online presence to foster the correct principles.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • Fantastic perspective! The points you made are thought-provoking.

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