October 5, 2024

The Believer’s Take on Tattoos

The Believer’s Take on Tattoos

(A young man, choosing to maintain anonymity, tells his story to Mustard Way).

“From a young age, I’ve been captivated by body art, despite the associated pain. People often choose tattoos to symbolize deep meaning in their lives.

Growing up in a strict Presbyterian household, I understood the significance of religion to my parents, especially my devout father who vehemently detested tattoos.

However, our neighbor, covered in tattoos, fascinated me with his aesthetic display.

Despite my father’s disapproval, I found them beautiful and longed for the freedom to make my own choices.

My father believed tattoos invited evil spirits, a notion I found outdated.

Nonetheless, I remained determined to express my identity through body art, rejecting any attempt to control my choices.

In the end, I realized I didn’t need external validation to shape my story; my experiences are enough”.

I’m a Christian and I have a Tattoo

“As a Christian, people often ask about my tattoos.

I get questions like, “If you’re a true Christian, why’d you get inked?”

Reflecting on my decision, however, I’m not exactly proud.

At 23, I visited a tattoo parlor and had scary skeletons inked on my back, their fiery eyes and goat horns extending down my neck and arm.

The imagery haunted me for a while.

Tattoos, I realized, reflect what we value; and for me, I was once drawn to the occult, finding it captivating.

However, over time, I came to understand the association of bad tattoos with witchcraft and evil spirits.

Regardless of intent, they signify ownership of the body, potentially inviting such influences”.

Going Deeper

“For months, I endured nightmares where the creatures from my tattoo relentlessly chased me, leaving me waking up drenched in sweat.

Regret consumed me as I reflected on my tattoo choices.

Despite my father’s judgmental attitude towards tattoos, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should have chosen differently.

Over the years, I’ve encountered a spectrum of opinions about my tattoos, ranging from complimentary to downright judgmental.

I recall one woman one time, likening my tattoos to “hideous bruises,” a sentiment that stung.

Others inquire about the meaning behind my ink, only to be disappointed by my response.

Insults have been hurled my way, branding my tattoos as ugly, trashy, and associated with criminality.

I can understand why”.

Turning Things Around

Despite deeply regretting my decision to cover much of my skin with tattoos, I have found solace in my faith.

While I can’t erase the tattoos, I’ve renounced their symbolism and the occult lifestyle, fully embracing Jesus instead.

I’ve decided against getting any more tattoos in the future.

Not because there aren’t potentially meaningful ones, but simply because I’ve had my fill of body art and prefer not to continue down that path”.

On Solid Ground

Samuel’s experience reflects a common narrative in today’s world, even among Christians.

However, despite our convictions, the word of God remains steadfast.

Leviticus 19:28 (NLT) says:

Never cut your bodies in mourning for the dead or mark your skin with tattoos, for I am the Lord.

While the New Testament doesn’t address tattoos directly, we can’t definitively label getting a tattoo as a sin.

The prohibition in Leviticus likely stemmed from tattooing’s association with pagan practices and idolatry.

Therefore, God called His people to stand apart.

As believers, we must remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

We should consider how much modification is appropriate and whether tattoos honor God.

Or don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,

1 Corinthians 6:19

While we have freedom in Christ, it comes with responsibility.

Ultimately, the crucial question remains: does having a tattoo bring honor to God?

Discerning the Art

Tattoos leave a permanent mark on one’s skin, altering their appearance and making a statement.

Similar to makeup, hair color, and piercings, they affect how we present ourselves and how others perceive us.

However, unlike temporary changes, tattoos are permanent.

Before getting a tattoo, it’s crucial to carefully consider its appearance and the message it conveys, both now and in the future.

If the decision isn’t motivated by sin, such as rebellion or pride, and the imagery or message isn’t sinful, then getting a tattoo likely isn’t a sin.

Some tattoos may honor God, like Bible verses, as well as innocuous ones like hearts or flowers.

However, some others dishonor God due to their content, reflecting the sinful intentions behind getting the tattoo.

Think Twice on Tattoos

In essence, marking the skin isn’t inherently evil.

I won’t sever fellowship with someone in Christ because they have tattoos.

However, I question whether many Christians consider getting tattoos as carefully and responsibly as they should.

Furthermore, mature believers should understand the gravity of their responsibility towards others in all things, including the subject of tattoos.

They should recognize that their decisions, such as getting tattoos, can influence those around them, particularly those who may be younger or weaker in faith.

Therefore, we need to approach all things we do with sensitivity and discernment, considering how our choices might impact others’ perceptions and convictions.

Consequently, being mindful of our responsibility to edify and support others in their journey of faith is crucial.

But you must be careful with this freedom of yours. Do not cause a brother or sister with a weaker conscience to stumble.

1 Corinthians 8:9

I hope that we prioritize God’s word and adhere to sound principles.

Trusting this encourages believers to approach decisions regarding tattoos with wisdom.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • This has to be one of the best pieces I’ve read on the blog.
    I’ve honestly been at cross roads on the subject of tattoos. It may not stop me from getting one but it will definitely caution me to make wise decisions.

    Thank you for this

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    your wonderfull post.

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