October 5, 2024

Reflecting God’s Image in Speech

Reflecting God’s Image in Speech

You may never have thought of modesty in reference to the way that we talk, but an easy area to forget is that our words hold great power.

Impacting those around us in ways we may not always realize.

Additionally, there’s a deep connection between speech and spirituality.

For instance, in Genesis 1, the Bible states that God spoke the universe into existence.

This highlights the inherent power in communication.

As a result, when we speak, we’re not just expressing thoughts; we’re revealing the very essence of our hearts.

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

Colossians 4:6

In the “Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew 5, Jesus talks about how our hearts matter a lot.

Whether we tell the truth, lie, or use bad language, it reflects who we are inside and how we relate to God.

Even if we dress modestly, if we talk in a way that’s inappropriate, it goes against being modest.

In the end, our words show exactly who we are.

What Should we Avoid in our Speech?

INAPPROPRIATE JOKING: This is observed frequently among both males and females today, and is simply not right.

Do you engage in making sexual jokes, thinking they are amusing?

While such behavior may garner temporary attention, it will never command the respect one truly desires and deserves.

Encouraging such conversations by laughing along, sharing jokes, responding to lewd advances, and engaging in vulgar language is morally misguided.

It’s important to recognize that none of this aligns with principles of respect and decency.

CURSING AND FOUL LANGUAGE: Using foul language or slang that borders on cursing, should not be the norm for us as Christians.

Ephesians 4:29 advises against corrupt communication and encourages speech that is uplifting and gracious to others.

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Ephesians 4:29

Cursing and foul language does not reflect the character of godly individuals.

If you find yourself struggling greatly in this area, turn to the Lord for guidance.

Immerse yourself in the teachings of the Bible, and seek support from accountability partners to overcome this challenge.

DISRESPECTFUL COMMUNICATION: Put downs, insults, sarcasm, harsh criticism, and vile arguments can all result in conflict, hurt feelings, and damaged relationships.

The Bible vividly describes the tongue as sharper than a two-edged sword.

This emphasizes the immense impact our words can have.

Therefore, as Christians, it’s crucial to be vigilant and conscientious about the words we speak, recognizing their potential to cause harm.

COMPLAINING, FLATTERY, AND BRAGGING: These are behaviors that undermine the essence of being gracious and self-controlled in speech.

While it’s common to encounter situations where hurtful, sarcastic, or mean comments could be made, true modesty is demonstrated by refraining from such remarks even when tempted.

As Christians, our speech should consistently reflect grace, dignity, and ultimately glorify God, as emphasized in Matthew 12:33-37.

GOSSIP: This is a common struggle among many people, even Christians and it’s essential to recognize its detrimental impact.

Satan often uses gossip to lead us into sin patterns, exploiting our weaknesses.

Some individuals even join social media platforms solely to indulge in gossip.

Unfortunately, gossip is pervasive, even within church communities.

According to Scripture, gossip occurs when we talk excessively about others (Proverbs 16:28), intentionally sow discord or division (Proverbs 26:20).

Engage in conversations we should avoid (1 Timothy 5:13), or betray confidences (Proverbs 11:13).

These behaviors distance us from God’s will and reflect darkness rather than light.

Our Speech Should Set an Example

In his letter to Timothy, Paul urges him not to allow others to disregard him due to his youth, as stated in 1 Timothy 4:12.

Similarly, believers are encouraged to serve as exemplary models in their speech, echoing Paul’s advice to Timothy.

Even in moments of anger, it’s important to be mindful of our language and communication.

The goal is to make people feel welcome and drawn to God through our actions and words.

After all, it’s God’s goodness that makes people want to change their ways, so when Christians extend goodness, it can lead others to see the goodness of God too.

A Tip for Clear Speech

Before speaking, it’s helpful to consider three questions:

1. Will my words bring honor to God?

2. Will my words bring honor to myself?

3. Will my words bring honor to others?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then it’s probably best not to say what’s on your mind.

But if you can answer yes to all three questions, then go ahead and speak your mind with confidence.

God bless you!

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


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