October 5, 2024

Experiencing the Depth of God’s Presence

Experiencing the Depth of God’s Presence

Have you ever stood amidst a crowd of worshippers, watching as they raise their hands in fervent praise while the music swells?

Yet, despite being in the same room, you don’t feel the same excitement. As you leave, you’re not as uplifted as others seem to be.

This feeling sometimes extends to other aspects of life.

You ask for answers all the time but hear nothing in response.

Your prayers feel like whispers lost in the wind, and while Bible’s stories are inspiring, they don’t seem to resonate with your current struggles.

Despite trying, you can’t seem to find guidance for important decisions like choosing your course of study, job changes, or dealing with a spouse’s unchanged behavior.

In these moments, you may wonder where God is amidst it all.

Whether you’ve known God your whole life or are just beginning to seek Him, it’s crucial to recognize that God is present in every moment of every day and His presence transforms every aspect of life.

The Depth of God’s Presence

The Psalmist echoes this in Psalms 139:7-8, affirming that God’s Spirit is omnipresent.

I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the place of the dead, you are there.

Psalms 139:7

No matter where we go, whether to the heights of heaven or the depths of Sheol, God is there.

He reveals Himself to us through His Word and through his son, Jesus Christ.

These avenues of revelation are not just general and limited; they are personal, full, and complete.

Through them, we experience the depth of His presence and the richness of His love.

Biblical Encounters with God’s Presence

As you read the stories in Scripture, it’s astounding to witness how God manifests Himself at different moments and in different locations within those narratives.

•In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve walked alongside God.

•Moses encountered God in the burning bush, receiving his divine calling to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

It was during Moses’ encounter with the presence of God that he discovered he could perform signs like his staff transforming into a snake and his hand could become leprous after being placed inside his coat.

•David experienced God’s presence while tending his father’s sheep, leading to his anointment as the future king of Israel.

•Elijah encountered God in a still, small voice on Mount Horeb, renewing his strength and purpose in ministry.

•Isaiah witnessed a vision of God’s glory in the temple, leading to his commissioning as a prophet.

•Paul encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus, leading to his conversion and commission as an apostle to the Gentiles.

•God spoke directly to Joshua, Moses’ successor, preparing the people to enter the promised land. He reassured Joshua of His care and commanded him to be brave, banishing fear from his heart.

How Do We Perceive the Presence of God?

How do we perceive the presence of God today?

In what manner do we converse with Him, and regard Him? Are we devoting our time, focus, affection, and vitality to Him?

Or, are we disregarding God and presuming His presence?

These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away.

Matthew 15:8

A strong truth is that many of the things we seek in life are found in God’s presence, yet we often stray from it.

Walking with God means being aware of His presence every step of the way.

It’s in His presence that we discover hidden aspects of ourselves. Our true treasures are revealed only when we abide in Him.

When we encounter God sincerely, we naturally detach from worldly distractions.

In His presence, we gain clarity about our identity and blessings and we carry His consciousness in our daily lives.

Are there Things that Disrupt the Presence of God in Our Lives?

The Bible emphasizes that when believers fully surrender to Christ, His power and presence can fill their hearts.

His presence brings about transformative change.

Consequently, it’s understandable why the enemy seeks to obstruct God’s presence and power in our lives.

Several factors can therefore, hinder the presence of God in our lives including:

1) The company we keep.

2) The music we listen to.

3) The words we speak.

The Company We Keep:

The people we surround ourselves with greatly influence our thoughts, actions, and values.

If we associate with individuals who disregard spiritual principles or lead contrary lifestyles, it can weaken our connection with God.

Negative influences may lead us away from spiritual growth, encouraging behaviors that distance us from God’s presence.

The Music We Listen To:

Music has a powerful impact on our emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

It can either draw us closer to God or lead us away from Him.

Lyrics that promote immoral or ungodly themes can desensitize us to values that align with our spirituality.

If we consistently expose ourselves to music that glorifies materialism, promiscuity, or violence, it can create a barrier between us and God by shaping our worldview in opposition to His word.

The Words We Say:

Our words have the power to build up or tear down, to spread love or sow discord.

It also reflects our heart’s condition and can impact our connection with Christ.

When we speak with negativity, gossip, or falsehoods, it creates an atmosphere that is not conducive to experiencing God’s presence.

Additionally, careless or disrespectful language can indicate a lack of reverence for God, hindering our ability to connect with Him on a deeper level.

God’s Presence in Your Life Today

We can experience God’s presence in our lives today.

The key is to actively seek a personal connection with Him, who desires to be an integral part of our lives.

Just as we invest time and effort in building friendships or romantic relationships, we need to intentionally pursue God and welcome Him into our lives.

The Holy Spirit eagerly awaits our invitation to dwell in our hearts and minds, guiding us through our thoughts and instincts.

It’s important to remember that the same divine power that resurrected Christ is available to us today.

However, we must actively engage with the Holy Spirit by inviting Him to interact with us.

What’s More?

Investing time in cultivating a relationship with God fills our lives with incredible blessings.

Moreover, as we delve into Scripture, we discover our true identity as beloved children of God.

We come to realize that we are handpicked, embraced, cherished, and securely held in His embrace for eternity.

Isn’t that astounding?

Furthermore, the presence of the Almighty in our lives mirrors the nurturing love of a devoted father towards his children.

After all, that’s precisely what we are—His beloved children, redeemed through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

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