October 5, 2024

Truly Saved : Understanding Your Salvation

Truly Saved : Understanding Your Salvation

Do you remember that one Christian movie that unfailingly brings tears to your eyes no matter how many times you watch it?

Oh yeah, you’re probably thinking the same thing I am – “The Passion of the Christ.”

I recall seeing that movie numerous times as a kid, and each viewing brought a fresh wave of tears as I witnessed Christ’s journey and sacrifice portrayed so vividly.

The scenes of his suffering, the soldiers’ cruelty, and the portrayal of Christ’s agony never fail to move me deeply.

It’s a powerful reminder of the immense pain he endured for us.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve pondered:

“Are our emotions simply reactions to the portrayal in films, the sermons we listen to, and the stories we read, or do they genuinely minister to our hearts?”

Regardless, the core message remains: salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

In John 3:1-7, Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council, seeks Jesus at night, acknowledging him as a teacher from God.

Jesus tells Nicodemus that to see the kingdom of God, one must be born again, clarifying that faith in him as the Son of God brings about this transformation.

Just as Nicodemus sought answers from Jesus, we’re invited to experience this transformation—to be truly saved.

So, if you find yourself questioning your salvation, let’s embark on this journey together.

Let’s delve into whether you’re walking in the light of Christ and genuinely encountering the depth of his love and grace.

What does it mean to be truly saved?

Being truly saved means experiencing a spiritual rebirth, often referred to as being “born again.”

Unlike physical birth, this rebirth is a profound spiritual transformation—a change of heart from indifference or hostility toward God to a genuine love for Him and a desire to live according to His will.

Sadly, not everyone who claims to be a Christian is truly saved, and this is a common challenge.

There’s often a gap between those who profess Christianity and those who truly live it out.

Which is why we’re urged to share the gospel continually, emphasizing its significance in our lives.

Preach the word of God. Be persistent, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.

2 Timothy 4:2

But how can we discern if someone claiming to be born again genuinely is?

And how can we know if we ourselves are truly saved?

An Inward Renewal

Inward renewal is the profound transformation that occurs within our hearts, minds, and souls through our relationship with God.

It involves deep spiritual changes like repentance, forgiveness, and a growing closeness to God, leading to a renewed character, attitudes, and behaviors in alignment with the teachings of Christ Jesus.

It’s crucial to remember that outward appearances are meaningless if our inner selves are consumed by darkness

Therefore, ask yourself the following questions:

• Has divine grace brought about a change within you?

•Are your affections now directed toward God’s kingdom rather than worldly pursuits?

•Do you despise the things you once admired and earnestly seek after the things of God and His kingdom?

•Do your desires now lean toward holiness rather than sin?

Yes?, No?

Take a moment to reflect on these.

Similarly, you are truly saved when you are:

1) Bearing the fruit of the Spirit: The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is unmistakable as it manifests through the qualities He instills within us.

Galatians 5:22 But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.

Galatians 5:22-23

These qualities serve as tangible evidence of our salvation.

As the Spirit guides and dwells within us (Romans 8:9), we actively bear the fruit of His presence in our daily lives.

2) Experiencing genuine conviction: As our communion with God deepens, our faith not only grows stronger but also becomes more profound.

True faith empowers us to perceive truth from God’s perspective and to intimately experience His goodness.

Through salvation, our hunger for spiritual truth intensifies, fueled by a deep sense of conviction.

3) Demonstrating a transformed life: Upon experiencing salvation, our lives undergo a noticeable transformation.

Our behaviors and desires are reshaped, aligning more closely with the character of Christ.

We no longer pursue sinful behaviors without remorse; instead, we actively strive to emulate Christ in all aspects of our lives.

Since we know that God is always right, we also know that all who do what is right are his children.

1 John 2:29

4) Showing love for others: Jesus emphasized love as a defining trait of His followers (John 13:34–35).

Loving others, including our enemies, becomes a hallmark of spiritual rebirth.

Our love for fellow believers reflects the transformative power of salvation in our lives.

5) Belief in Christ changed you: Believing in Christ transforms us, motivating us to reflect his holiness and righteousness.

Consequently, as we behold the glory of God in Jesus Christ, our hearts are stirred to emulate him.

Moreover, as we persist in this pursuit, we are gradually molded into his image, under the guidance of God’s Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).

This transformation, inseparable from our new birth, becomes evident in our changed way of life, marking our passage from death to life.

If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to eternal life. But a person who has no love is still dead.

1 John 3:14

An Outward Transformation

While the essence of change occurs inwardly, its effects inevitably manifest outwardly.

Since professing surrender to Christ:

•Have you noticed a transformation in your outward being—in your speech, actions, and character toward yourself and others?

•Do your friends and acquaintances recognize a difference in you?

•Have you encountered teasing or resistance for prioritizing what’s right over worldly norms?

•If an observer were to witness your private moments, would they discern a change previously unseen?

Reflect on these questions and consider how your Christian journey is reflected in your daily life.

A Fresh Foundation

Once you surrender your life to Christ, your inner being changes, and your outward behavior and the very foundation of your life undergo a complete transformation.

Previously centered on self-gratification and personal advancement, our focus shifts towards living for God through salvation.

Grace doesn’t merely trim away surface issues; it uproots old ways entirely, replanting us in new soil.

In Christ, we become entirely new creations.

What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Today, I pray that you experience Jesus for yourself and understand just how much He loves you.

He calls you to be a part of His fold, and being a part of it truly is beautiful.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


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