October 5, 2024

Easter: Love’s Redemption Through Sacrifice

Easter: Love’s Redemption Through Sacrifice

Easter, one of the most popular celebrations done annually, is celebrated with a lot of individuals not even knowing why it is.

People all over the world, whether they believe in it or not, join in the celebration.

There are the festivities, hiding of colored eggs and preparation of special delicacies.

Colored eggs

But Easter holds deeper significance to us Christians. It’s so much more than the festivities.

What Really is Easter?

It is a time of joy, a season of redemption.

Years ago, in the Garden of Eden, God cursed the snake after Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit.

He then promised the woman that she would have a descendant who would deliver the world from the condemnation of sin.

Before Christ’s sacrifice, the Israelites offered animal sacrifices for forgiveness.

However, Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled God’s promise and abolished the need for such offerings.

Through Jesus, God demonstrated unparalleled love, akin to a father sacrificing his beloved son, as seen in the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14)

From Law to Grace

The sacrifice Jesus made sets us free and gives us a closer connection to God, much like a father and son or daughter relationship.

After the fall of Man, Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden and punished with the need to work hard for survival.

This is because God turned His face away from them (Genesis 3:24).

As the descendants of Adam and Eve multiplied, God raised up a nation from Abraham.

Whenever man strayed from God, He provided them with laws through His chosen servants.

These servants include prophets, judges, kings, warriors, etc.

These individuals were selected from among the people for their humility and fear of God.

They taught the people God’s laws, guided their paths, and interceded with God on their behalf.

As the people were unable to seek God directly.

However, Jesus’ death and resurrection mended that gap in intimate relationship with God.

Through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we are not only forgiven of our sins but also reconciled to God and to one another.

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Romans 5:8

Today, we can access God in our lives through prayer and even develop a close relationship with Him.

Ultimately, Easter is a celebration of new beginnings.

Just as Jesus emerged from the tomb victorious over death, we too are invited to experience the resurrection power in our lives.

Moreover, we shouldn’t experience this alone.

Others need to know about this.

The Gospel Message is for All

Crucially, the gospel message is meant to be shared with all, as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.

It heralds a transformational journey where believers become new creations, leaving behind the old and embracing the new.

In doing this, we are called to embody the love and grace of Christ, demonstrating compassion to all.

Just as Jesus ministered to the outcasts and sinners, we are called to reach out to the lost, offering them the hope and salvation found in Christ alone.

As we continue in our Christian journey, may we be renewed in our commitment to live as disciples of Christ.

Bearing witness to His love and spreading the good news of redemption to all the world.

About Author

Shola Enoch

1 Comment

  • Great write-up! Your analysis is spot-on.

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