October 5, 2024

Imagine the Books of the Bible as People (Part 4)

Imagine the Books of the Bible as People (Part 4)

Imagine if the books of the New Testament of the Bible came to life as people.

Picture them, each embodying the distinct personalities that reflect the message and tone of the book they represent.

Collectively, they balance each other out and provide a full spectrum of insight.

Let’s meet these characters and discover who they might be if they were walking among us.

Introducing the first New Testament books!

The Meticulous Planner

There’s Matthew, the meticulous one.

He is the person who always has a plan and loves to present things clearly and orderly.

If you ever needed someone to untangle a complicated situation, Matthew would be the first to lend his help.

He moves with purpose and speaks with authority, emphasizing how everything is interconnected.

Matthew focuses on the details, beginning with the backstory to ensure you grasp the history before delving into the main event.

I envision him as someone who might carry around a family tree or a timeline, highlighting how each event aligns perfectly with prophecies and promises made long ago.

“See,” he’d say, “this was meant to happen all along.”

He likes to see the big picture and understands how everything fits together.

The Urgent Storyteller

Do you know anyone who is always in a hurry, speaking quickly as if afraid you might lose interest if they don’t get to the point immediately?

That’s Mark!

He’s the witty, energetic type who is all about action and can’t wait to share what happens next.

If you were friends with Mark, he would send you rapid-fire text messages, packed with exclamation points, emojis, and a sense of urgency.

Mark prefers to keep his stories short and direct, skipping over unnecessary details to get straight to the action.

He wants you to experience the immediacy of the events as if you’re right in the middle of everything.

“You won’t believe what happened next!” he’d exclaim, barely pausing to catch his breath.

Mark’s not trying to rush you though; he’s just so excited about what he’s sharing that he can’t slow down.

The Compassionate Historian

Luke is a deeply compassionate person, always concerned with everyone’s well-being.

He’s like your favorite family doctor who asks how you’re really doing—not just out of politeness, but because he genuinely cares.

He also pays special attention to the underdogs, ensuring their stories are heard.

If you were to sit down with Luke, he’d take the time to listen to your entire narrative, making sure no important detail is overlooked.

He values a good conversation and believes that every experience deserves to be shared.

Moreover, he’s likely to pull out a notebook to record everything carefully.

Luke isn’t just interested in a story; he wants to get it right, with all the facts and feelings in place.

He’ll also most likely remember your birthday and ask about your family each time you meet, demonstrating that he truly cares.

The Deep Thinker

John is another philosopher in the mix!

He’s always around, pondering the meaning of life and exploring the big questions.

When John speaks, people listen because he has a unique way of seeing things.

He’s not just interested in what happened; he wants to understand why it happened and what it means.

John might sometimes seem a bit mysterious, often speaking in metaphors and offering deeper insights.

He has a knack for finding layers of meaning in even the simplest things.

Deeply spiritual, he focuses on the essence of matters, always striving to get to the heart of the issue.

If you were close with John, you’d likely receive late-night messages filled with profound thoughts that linger in your mind long after you’ve read them.

You definitely wouldn’t want to end things with him on bad terms!

The Adventurous Journalist

Acts is a daring young woman, always on the move and reporting from the front lines.

If you’re in need of a research buddy, Acts is your leading lady.

She’s got stories from all over and is always ready for the next assignment.

I picture Acts as a journalist, much like the well-recognized female journalist Christiane Amanpour, who documents major events that reshape history.

It’s undoubtedly a risky job, but Acts does it with enthusiasm.

She loves to share about the people she’s met and the incredible things she’s witnessed.

She’s constantly updating her audience with her latest escapades, complete with photos and vivid descriptions.

Her boundless energy drives her in all that she does.

The Logical Thinker

If you’ve ever met or been friends with a nerd, you know they get excited about things like science, books, and tech, often losing track of time because they get so engrossed in their favorite hobbies.

They’re also logical thinkers who approach everything with reason and clarity, methodically analyzing details and using logic to find solutions.

They’re the ones who know random facts and can turn even the smallest detail into a big adventure.

So, if you ever need someone to help you work through a tough problem, Romans would be the person to call.

He’s all about breaking things down into manageable pieces and ensuring you understand the principles behind them.

Romans would probably carry a journal full of diagrams and outlines, ready to explain complex ideas in a way that makes sense.

He might seem a bit overwhelming at times, always using technical language that others might not easily understand.

He’s methodical and precise.

When Romans speaks, he’s not just throwing out ideas—he’s building a case, laying out evidence, and drawing conclusions.

He wants you to see the logic in everything.

You’ll need to be a lot more patient with this guy to be good friends with him.

The Concerned Counselor

We all know a set of twins in one way or another, and it’s even more intriguing when they are identical.

Despite their resemblance, they are distinct in many ways.

In this case, 1 Corinthians is the older twin with a special talent for counseling.

He is always ready to step in and offer advice when situations become complicated.

Notably, he has a keen eye for noticing when things aren’t quite right and gently brings them up, hoping to help you sort them out.

1 Corinthians is deeply focused on relationships—emphasizing how we treat each other, work together, and resolve conflicts.

If you were close to him, you would find him frequently checking in to ensure everything is okay.

He is unafraid to tackle tough issues, yet he approaches them with care and concern.

I envision him sitting down with his clients over coffee, discussing whatever is on their minds, and offering practical advice and encouragement to foster better interactions with others.

The Empath

The second half of this twindom is 2 Corinthians.

Although she resembles her twin brother, she also has her own special quality.

She is an empath.

I liken her to someone who deeply understands suffering and is quick to offer comfort and hope to those enduring hard times.

2 Corinthians knows what it’s like to feel weak, but she also recognizes the strength found in vulnerability.

If you are close to 2 Corinthians, you can expect a profound connection characterized by deep understanding and mutual care.

She would frequently send you encouraging messages when you’re feeling down, reminding you that you’re not alone.

2 Corinthians might sometimes become easily overwhelmed by her own emotions and those of others, so it’s important for those around her to remain mindful.

She is open about her own struggles but always manages to find a way to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Her focus is on resilience, teaching others that it’s okay to struggle and that hope for better days is always present.

The Bible Dynamic

In each of these characters, we see a rich mix of perspectives, contributing unique elements that make the overall picture more complete.

Matthew ensures that everything is connected and purposeful.

Mark maintains high energy and keeps the pace moving.

Similarly, Luke ensures that everyone’s story is told with compassion.

Then, there’s John, who adds depth and meaning to conversations.

Furthermore, Acts brings excitement through new adventures and shared experiences.

Romans provides clarity and logic, helping everyone understand the bigger picture.

1 Corinthians keeps relationships healthy and grounded, while 2 Corinthians offers comfort and hope during tough times.

Together, they are diverse yet united, strong yet caring, logical yet full of heart.

But what more can we say about these Bible books if we imagine them as living, breathing people?

We’ll discuss further in the next episode.

See you next time!

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • I really enjoy this series. From part 1. I can’t wait for the next one. God bless you guys

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