Imagine If the Books of the Bible Were People (Part 2)

Imagine walking into a room full of people, each with a unique personality, history, and story to tell. Now, think of these people as representing the books of the Bible. Last time, we met the first twelve—a dozen amazing pioneers who are undeniably

Avoiding Pornography: Hear No Evil, See No Evil!

In a world filled with gadgets, gizmos, and TikTok videos, it’s easy to forget that not everything on the internet is sunshine and rainbows. While the internet offers a treasure trove of information and entertainment, many occasionally stumble upon its dark and treacherous

Imagine If the Books of the Bible Were People (Part 1)

Imagine if the sixty-six books of the Bible came to life as people. They would form an extraordinary group, each with their own distinct personalities and compelling stories to share. Let’s start with the first twelve books, shall we? Pioneers always set the

Rest Your Anxious Mind

If you often worry and feel anxious, your mind probably needs a break. Constant worries and stresses, day and night, do not help you improve in what you do or make you a better person. In fact, they can disrupt your relationship with

Building Christ-Centered Homes with Biblical Principles

In contemporary society, building a Christ-centered home amidst the distractions of daily life can be challenging. Have you seen or do you recall the movie, “War Room”, produced by the Kendrick brothers? It’s one film that offers valuable insights into the importance of

Raising Godly Children in Times Like These

In this rapidly evolving world, raising godly and spiritually grounded children in times like these can feel increasingly challenging. Children are confronted with various potential evils that can lead them astray from the path of righteousness. Today, various mediums like television, movies, and

Let’s Talk About God’s Plan for Family!

Let’s talk about family and how central it is to God’s plan for his children. Just as we recognize artists by their masterpieces—like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony”—we can understand God better through His creation of the family. Family,

Easter: Love’s Redemption Through Sacrifice

Easter, one of the most popular celebrations done annually, is celebrated with a lot of individuals not even knowing why it is. People all over the world, whether they believe in it or not, join in the celebration. There are the festivities, hiding

How the Bible Encourages All Christians to Share the Gospel

As Christians, experiencing Jesus’ love moves us to share it with everyone, which is sharing the gospel. It’s truly wonderful when someone embraces Christ, as it brings joy to heaven. Moreover, sharing the gospel is a powerful way to show that hope and

Truly Saved : Understanding Your Salvation

Do you remember that one Christian movie that unfailingly brings tears to your eyes no matter how many times you watch it? Oh yeah, you’re probably thinking the same thing I am – “The Passion of the Christ.” I recall seeing that movie