How Modesty Redefines Leadership

Since 2020, the COVID-19 crisis has taken the world by storm, keeping us on our toes. It has reshaped everything from workplaces to schools, travel, shopping centers, and even places of worship. Alongside the worry for loved ones and the blurred lines between

Why Should What I Wear Matter?

Today, diverse and ever-evolving fashion trends and styles dominate our society. That’s right—Plunging necklines, crop tops, and sheer fabrics characterize this era. Indeed, in a culture obsessed with identity, our inclination to adopt these trends mirrors a collective aspiration to emulate the chicness

Wisely Humbled

Steven was a top-notch writer in high school, or so he thought. Teachers called on him to write poetry pieces for competitions, speeches for award ceremonies, and even short dramas for the drama club. He felt valuable and took pride in it. Everyone

“Why Me?” to Declaring “Why Not Me?”

Most of the unfortunate things that happen to us leave us asking the question ‘Why me?’ I am yet to meet anyone who hasn’t asked this question at some point in their life. The world is filled with ups and downs, pain and

Forgive Your Old Self, You’ve Changed

Do you ever feel undeserving of the good things that come your way due to past mistakes? Or perhaps, full of regret for missed opportunities or roads not taken? You may feel the universe should punish you, hoping it will make up for

The Fresh Start Effect

As we step into a new year, it’s a time when many of us think about things we want to do better. This might involve letting go of a peculiar habit, overcoming procrastination to embark on a new career path or job. We

Why Do Good People Face Hardship?

In our world, where everyone is touched by life’s harsh realities, be it disasters or illnesses, the pain of losing good people really hurts. Situations like these make us wonder: “If there’s a God who’s supposed to be good and all-powerful, why do

Living in the Last Days: Biblical Insights

We live in a time where a lot is happening in the world, and it feels like everything is changing dramatically. There are wars, hunger, genocide, strange illnesses, earthquakes, floods, shifts in laws and order, robots taking over human responsibilities, widespread apathy and

Building Authentic Friendships in a Superficial World

Ah, genuine friendships, the holy grail of social connections where only a few understand it (not that I fully do anyway).

Living a Legacy: Impacting Others with Your God-Given Gifts

What are you good at? What are your God-given gifts? What’s that one thing that no matter how hard others try, they just can’t get it and even if they do, it takes a lot of time and effort to. But for you?