Modesty: God’s Design for Humanity

Modesty, as part of God’s design for humanity, has been evident since the beginning of time. Its principle has deep roots and remains timeless. Modesty reflects the condition of the heart through outward actions. Unfortunately, in today’s world, people prefer instructors who tell

Reflecting God’s Image in Speech

You may never have thought of modesty in reference to the way that we talk, but an easy area to forget is that our words hold great power. Impacting those around us in ways we may not always realize. Additionally, there’s a deep

Online Confidence vs. Modesty

So much is constantly being said about modesty. Moreover, with the world comprising different areas of human capacity, it now has taken on a more holistic expression. Isn’t it cool how humans can talk to themselves inside their heads? It’s like having a

How Modesty Redefines Leadership

Since 2020, the COVID-19 crisis has taken the world by storm, keeping us on our toes. It has reshaped everything from workplaces to schools, travel, shopping centers, and even places of worship. Alongside the worry for loved ones and the blurred lines between

Why Should What I Wear Matter?

Today, diverse and ever-evolving fashion trends and styles dominate our society. That’s right—Plunging necklines, crop tops, and sheer fabrics characterize this era. Indeed, in a culture obsessed with identity, our inclination to adopt these trends mirrors a collective aspiration to emulate the chicness

Wisely Humbled

Steven was a top-notch writer in high school, or so he thought. Teachers called on him to write poetry pieces for competitions, speeches for award ceremonies, and even short dramas for the drama club. He felt valuable and took pride in it. Everyone

“Why Me?” to Declaring “Why Not Me?”

Most of the unfortunate things that happen to us leave us asking the question ‘Why me?’ I am yet to meet anyone who hasn’t asked this question at some point in their life. The world is filled with ups and downs, pain and

Why Do Good People Face Hardship?

In our world, where everyone is touched by life’s harsh realities, be it disasters or illnesses, the pain of losing good people really hurts. Situations like these make us wonder: “If there’s a God who’s supposed to be good and all-powerful, why do

Finding True Happiness in a Materialistic World

Life’s never-ending hustle and bustle often leads us to believe that real happiness lies in the acquisition of material possessions and social status. However, this article aims to challenge that notion by exploring an alternative perspective. What if true happiness isn’t linked to

From Broken Pencils to Beautiful Masterpieces

Our past sins often lead to discouragement and feelings of unworthiness of God's love and forgiveness. Yet, just as a broken pencil can transform into a masterpiece, our lives can be redeemed by God, no matter how broken they seem.