October 5, 2024

The Aftermath of Excessive Showmanship and Loose Lips

The Aftermath of Excessive Showmanship and Loose Lips

We live in an era where social media oversharing is the norm and “TMI” (Too Much Information) is a daily occurrence.

Thus, it’s easy to overlook the age-old wisdom that “loose lips sink ships.”

Our tongues often wag at lightning speed, updating friends, family, and even strangers about every twist and turn in our affairs.

However, what if I told you that this seemingly harmless habit of constantly spilling the beans could be sabotaging your life?

The Curse of the Unsolicited Opinion

Today, silence has become a rare and precious commodity.

People are constantly bombarded with the need to share every detail about themselves.

From Snapchat stories to Instagram feeds, every move is recorded and broadcast.

While it’s wonderful to hope that everyone around you has your best interests at heart, the reality is a bit more complex.

People have varying motivations, needs, and perspectives, which can influence their actions and intentions towards you.

Picture this: You’ve just landed your dream job or started a new relationship, and you can’t wait to share the good news.

But hold on a minute!

Before you hit that ‘post’ button or share with your entire network, consider the consequences of unsolicited opinions.

The world is a wicked place.

When you open the floodgates of your lips, you invite a deluge of judgments, advice, and, unfortunately, negativity.

Your friends and those around you may not always be your trusty allies, always rooting for your success.

Their comments can sway your decisions in unintended directions, leaving you to face the music.

The Ripple Effect

The Bible tells us that our tongues have the power to bring life or death!

Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.

Proverbs 18:21

That’s a serious statement right there.

Every word we speak or the things we show has a ripple effect that extends far beyond our initial intent.

Imagine disclosing sensitive information about your personal life to many, including strangers.

It’s somewhat like a game of ‘Truth or Dare’ – intriguing and risky!

What might seem like a harmless conversation can snowball into unforeseen consequences.

Excessive showmanship and loose lips can breed resentment and create a competitive and toxic atmosphere even among friends, family, or colleagues.

Your decisions are like arrows in the quiver of your life’s archer.

They can either create harmony or cause chaos in your relationships, break trust, and change the direction of your life.

A Biblical Lesson on Guarding Our Lips

The biblical account of King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20 serves as a powerful lesson about the consequences of excessive showmanship and loose lips.

Hezekiah, the ruler of Judah during a challenging period, embarked on a grand project to renovate God’s Temple.

While this was noble, his approach was tainted by his inclination towards showmanship.

Hezekiah’s downfall began when he proudly displayed the temple’s riches to envoys from Babylon, inadvertently inviting trouble.

Later, when King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded Judah, Hezekiah used the treasures of both the Temple and his palace to try to appease him, showing his lack of discretion.

This act of appeasement ultimately weakened Judah’s defenses, leaving the kingdom vulnerable to further threats and compromising its sovereignty and security.

This story underscores a vital message for all Believers: We’ve got to control our tongues and be discreet in our lives.

Proverbs was dropping truth bombs when it said:

Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut,and you will stay out of trouble.

Proverbs 21:23

Hezekiah’s downfall came not from his great achievements but from his inability to watch his words and protect what was valuable to him.

The same can happen to you.

The Power of Discretion

Nowadays, when sharing the minutiae of our lives has become as common as breathing, Hezekiah’s story provides us a lesson in wisdom.

It’s like a friendly tap on the shoulder, saying, “Hey, remember that not everything needs to be on display.”

We should consider the aftermath of excessive showmanship and loose lips.

Safeguarding the treasures of our lives, whether they are physical belongings, personal accomplishments, or intimate secrets, is important.

Silence is the gatekeeper, ensuring that our vulnerabilities remain hidden from prying eyes and judgmental tongues.

It is not a sign of weakness but of strength and wisdom.

In many situations, it speaks volumes, allowing us to listen, learn, and understand.

It prevents hasty actions, words or making impulsive decisions that could alter the course of your life negatively.

It empowers you to be discerning.

Therefore, the inability to control one’s tongue can indeed sabotage one’s destiny.

However, by recognizing the dangers of excessive disclosure and valuing the power of discretion, we can reassert God’s authority over the course of our lives.

Mastering Tongue-Fu

How can one attain mastery in the skill of taming their tongue?

Start by thinking before you speak.

Ask yourself, “Is this something I should keep, or can I share it with the world?”

Remember, it’s okay to share some things, but not everything needs to be shouted from the mountaintops.

So, the next time you’re tempted to disclose all the details of your latest escapade, keep in mind the lessons from this article and the hidden dangers of loose lips.

Your future is too important to risk by speaking carelessly or acting thoughtlessly for attention.

Safeguard it with prudence.

Embrace discretion, humility, and mindfulness, and seek the Lord’s strength to handle the complexities of our world.

God bless you!

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • Insightful read! I found your perspective very engaging.

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