Forming Friendships That Reflect Jesus

Friendships are exciting and beautiful, no doubt.
At the beginning, everything feels fresh and enjoyable—texting back and forth, meeting up for coffee or a movie, or taking peaceful walks in the park or museum.
There’s a special joy in simply spending time together.
However, a strong friendship isn’t just about those thrilling moments—like locking eyes in understanding, hearing each other’s voice, or bonding over shared interests in music and books.
It needs something deeper, something that can stand the test of time.
Friendships need a foundation strong enough to withstand disagreements (and there will be plenty), handle each other’s weaknesses, and accept the reality of human imperfections.
For Believers, this foundation is not just about having great personalities, excellent communication skills, or even wealth and influence.
Instead, it must be rooted in Christ, with God as its foundation and source of strength.
I’ve realized that the less I focus on loving God, the harder it becomes to love others.
And when I neglect my journey toward becoming more like Christ, my relationships tend to suffer.
Philippians 2 reminds us that friendships grounded in Christ reflect His mindset.
They are selfless, placing the needs of others above personal gain.
They avoid selfish ambition and pride, instead valuing humility and mutual care. However, building and sustaining such friendships is not always easy.
Still, God understands our need for companionship.
In fact, He was the one who declared:
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Genesis 2:18
He desires meaningful relationships for us. So when you meet people you truly want to build friendships with, keep these things in mind:
Commit yourself and your friendships to Jesus
Every Christian is familiar with this key principle: Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 6:14).
Having friends who genuinely love and follow Christ is not just a preference—it’s essential for our faith and spiritual growth.
Before forming deep friendships, we should first examine our own hearts:
Do I treasure Christ above all?. Then, we can consider: Does my friend love Christ and His church?.
The good news is that it’s never too late to have these conversations.
Commitment to Christ isn’t just a one-time discussion at the beginning of a friendship—it should be an ongoing part of our journey together.
Be intentional about surrounding yourself with godly friends
No one is an island, and God desires for us to experience true friendship.
Fellowship with other believers is essential—it strengthens our faith, helps us grow, and supports us through life’s challenges.
Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Thankfully, we have the opportunity to build meaningful friendships with those who share our faith.
A great way to do this is by spending time together in group settings, visiting each other’s churches, and introducing friends to our families.
It’s also important to have older believers who can offer guidance and wisdom.
When we struggle—whether with honesty or other challenges—we should seek their counsel, ask for prayer, and allow them to keep us accountable.
During difficult times, when temptations feel overwhelming, godly friendships provide the wisdom, encouragement, and support we need to keep moving forward.
Ask yourself: Where is your friendship leading?
A Christ-centered friendship is about pointing each other to Jesus, not ourselves.
When people tried to elevate John the Baptist and set him up as a rival to Jesus, he made it clear: ‘I am not the Messiah’ (John 3:28).
Instead, he found joy in being the Bridegroom’s friend, not the Bridegroom Himself.
In our friendships, we must remember the same truth—we are not the Christ.
Do we feel the need to always have the right words, the perfect advice, or the solution to every problem?
Do we seek admiration, control, or validation through our relationships?
Trying to take Christ’s place in someone’s life only distorts and damages the friendship.
Our role is not to be their savior but to lead them to the only One who truly is.
A friendship centered on Christ always directs others toward Him—the perfect Friend and our ultimate source of hope.
Christ-Centered Friendships can Change the World
From the beginning, God has used friendships to advance His kingdom.
Think about it—the twelve disciples weren’t just followers of Jesus; they were friends who, together, changed the world.
Later, the Apostle Paul, along with his friends John Mark, Timothy, and Barnabas, traveled and shared the gospel wherever they went.
Centuries later, a small group of friends praying together ignited the Great Awakening, a movement that spread the gospel across England and North America.
Godly friendships that are rooted in a passion for God’s glory and a desire to follow Jesus can have a world-changing impact.
We were created by God and for God, and our friendships are not random—they are part of His plan.
Through these relationships, we encourage and challenge each other to live out our kingdom purpose.
Just as we are stewards of money, time, and talents, we are also stewards of the friendships God has placed in our lives.
These relationships have a purpose—so what might God do through yours?
Godly Friendships are a Gift
If you’ve ever struggled in friendships, whether in the past or recently, or if you’re looking forward to forming new ones, now is the perfect time to pray.
Ask the Lord to bring people into your life who love Him and will encourage you to love Him more.
Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you and your friends grow together in Christ.
Ask for friendships filled with prayer, wisdom, and genuine support.
Take a moment to thank God for the friends you have.
Lift each one up in prayer, asking Jesus to work through these relationships for His perfect purpose.
And don’t believe the lie that godly friendships are dull—they are far from it!
As you continue this journey of faith, may God’s grace uphold you, and may Jesus always be at the heart of your relationships and your life.
Keep living like Christ here on earth.