October 5, 2024

Mirror, Mirror: Building Healthy Self-Esteem through God’s Eyes

Mirror, Mirror: Building Healthy Self-Esteem through God’s Eyes

With all the social media filters and edited magazine photos, it’s easy to start seeing ourselves in a distorted way.

We may begin to constantly compare our bodies, achievements, and lifestyles to others, struggling to find our worth and place in the world.

But what if we ignored all that and shifted our focus from the world’s standards to God’s?

What if we viewed ourselves through His loving and accepting eyes instead?

Let’s find out.

Bye-Bye, Beauty Standards

In a society fixated on appearance and comparison, it’s no surprise that self-esteem issues are rising.

Seeing countless pictures of seemingly perfect people may sometimes make us doubt our own selves.

Let’s face it. The world’s idea of perfection is way overrated.

Those picture-perfect Insta feeds and profiles? They’re often edited, filtered, and staged.

But guess what? You don’t need any of that to be considered relevant.

God didn’t create us to chase perfection according to toxic, often unrealistic ideals.

For instance, the focus on being very thin, especially for women, makes people think that only slim bodies are attractive or acceptable.

This can cause unhealthy dieting, eating disorders, and body shaming, making people feel bad about themselves if they don’t fit these strict standards.

Likewise, society pressures men to achieve an unrealistic level of fitness, focusing on muscularity and a chiseled physique.

Another example is the preference for lighter skin tones, which is common in many cultures around the world.

This preference often comes from a systemic belief, which promotes the idea that lighter skin is superior or more desirable.

As a result, many people use harmful skin-lightening products and procedures to meet this standard, which can lead to serious health consequences.

This obsession with toxic beauty standards, among others, contributes to a culture that not only harms individuals physically but also often prioritizes appearance over well-being.

In contrast, God’s creation is diverse, and He delights in the uniqueness of each individual.

The Apostle Peter reminds us that true beauty stems from a gentle and quiet spirit, which holds great worth in God’s eyes.

Our character, kindness, love, and humility reveal a deeper beauty that surpasses any physical attribute.

When we treat ourselves with respect, we boost our self-esteem and affirm our worth in God’s eyes.

Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.

You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

1 Peter 3:3-4

Confidence in our Imperfections

Remember the story of David and Goliath?

Despite being a young shepherd and underestimated by others, David used a sling and five stones to bring down a giant.

His confidence came from trusting in God, even though his stature was small compared to Goliath’s.

Accepting our flaws and being confident in them isn’t about lowering our standards; but about recognizing that we’re good enough as we are.

Our weaknesses can turn into strengths when we trust God’s plan for our lives.

He can use even your imperfections for something amazing, so you don’t have to be perfect to be fabulous.

No More Compare and Despair

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of seeking approval from others.

We’ve all been there at some point, struggling to validate our accomplishments, appearance, and relationships through the opinions of others.

This tendency to compare ourselves only serves as a joy-killer and a thief of our confidence.

Instead, remember that you were made to stand out, not fit in.

Obviously, I’m not trying to be a people pleaser! No, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Galatians 1:10

So, you shouldn’t worry about the world’s opinions.

By prioritizing God’s view above all else, we find peace in knowing that we are loved and accepted unconditionally.

God’s Grace is Where It’s At

God’s grace shows us His unconditional love, filled with compassion, forgiveness, and affection.

When we view ourselves through God’s eyes, we can build healthy self-esteem.

By reflecting and accepting ourselves, we come to love who we are even more.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and as we let go of worldly standards, we find freedom in knowing we are more than enough.

God created us to be amazing, inside and out.

His Word serves as a powerful tool to counter the negative messages the world sends about our bodies and abilities.

It offers comfort, guidance, and transformation, reminding us of our inherent value and worth.

By rejecting the distorted views of the world and embracing the truth of God’s perspective, we recognize our true worth.

Remember, you are a masterpiece, designed with purpose and intention.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14
About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • Very well written! The insights provided are very valuable. For additional information, check out: LEARN MORE. Looking forward to the discussion!

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