July 6, 2024

Why is Sex Before Marriage a Big Deal?

Why is Sex Before Marriage a Big Deal?

Premarital sex is one of the most delicate topics, and people choose not to discuss it due to potential strong reactions.

I once had a friend who grappled with the decision of engaging in sex during his teenage years or adhering to the teachings of waiting until marriage.

He couldn’t find adequate reasons why it was such a big deal to wait. Besides, aren’t young people supposed to make the most of their youth and have fun while they can?

Finally one day, my friend confided, “After much internal struggle, I went ahead and had sex. And I enjoyed it.”

These days, even Christians don’t understand why anyone would choose to wait for marriage to have sex.

Why is sex before marriage so bad? What consequences and rewards are associated with abstaining during singleness?

If a person decides to stay unmarried, do they remain celibate throughout their life?

The Bible has the perfect answers to these.

The Blueprint of God’s Design for Sex

The Bible says, “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female ” (Mark 10:6). It goes on to declare, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Mark 10:7-8).

God’s Word emphasizes a deep, mysterious connection during intimate moments in marriage.

In the context of this perspective, engaging in sexual relations before matrimony is defiling God’s good gift of sex.

If a couple hasn’t exchanged marriage vows, they miss the strong commitment and sacred promise, making it challenging to truly honour and respect the deep significance of intimate moments. Therefore, they have no right to exploit the culmination of such vows.

Sex within the bounds of marriage is to be pleasurable, and God designed it that way.

He wants men and women to enjoy sexual activity within the confines of marriage. His purpose for sex is viewed as encompassing the creation of children within the structure of a family.

So, engaging in premarital sex is seen as a violation on two fronts— enjoying intimate experiences meant for marriage and risking the possibility of having children outside the family structure intended by God.

Doesn’t Sex Produce Intimacy and Comparability?

Many young people endorse the idea of engaging in sexual activity with a dating partner, believing “it brings you closer and helps you determine your compatibility”.

But on the flip side, engaging in sex doesn’t assure the development of the profound emotional intimacy that everyone desires.

Moreover, regarding compatibility, if someone engages in sexual activity with a partner and discovers dissatisfaction in bed, leading them to explore with another person and encounter similar issues, does this imply a cycle of continually seeking new partners until finding one that fulfils their desires?

That’s madness, I tell you!

Engaging in multiple sexual relationships not only jeopardizes your emotional stability but also connects your soul spiritually with all the people you sleep with.

Before sending that “Netflix and chill” text to your girlfriend or anyone else, consider reflecting on 1 Corinthians 7:2.

But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

1 Corinthians 7:2

This verse explicitly labels sex before marriage as a component of sexual immorality. In fact, all biblical passages condemning sexual immorality also denounce premarital sex as sinful.

Girls in our time are constantly pressured to engage in sexual acts as a demonstration of true affection and proof of love.

The belief persists that satisfying a man sexually is crucial for his happiness and the fear that if you don’t, he might seek it elsewhere.

While demonstrating your love to your partner is very important not just in words but in action, it doesn’t mean you should not understand your boundaries.

Moreso, timing plays a crucial role in relationships, and taking things gradually maintains a sense of excitement.

Wait till you’re married to have sex. I promise you it will be worth the wait.

Purity Is Still Worth Fighting For

Jesus’ sacrifice fully atones for our sins, providing a fresh start irrespective of our past actions.

It’s crucial to understand that God’s forgiveness knows no bounds, and seeking it is always met with His unyielding grace.

Grace is offered not to justify ongoing sin but to enable a life of true freedom.

While the notion of waiting until marriage might be challenging for some, abstaining from sexual sin enhances our overall well-being, aligning with God’s intention for our ultimate fulfilment.

There is hope and restoration for those who have been involved in sexual sin.

First John 1:9 promises that if you confess your sins, God is faithful to forgive and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Moreso, choosing sexual purity before marriage helps sidestep emotional entanglements that could detrimentally impact future relationships.

Exercising control over our desires and leading sexually pure lives is a means to honour and protect God with our bodies.

Maintaining purity in the marriage bed fosters an environment for unabridged love towards our partners, a love second only to the immense love God has for us.

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Hebrews 13:4
About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Its clear, concise, and thought-provoking.

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