October 5, 2024

How Modesty Redefines Leadership

How Modesty Redefines Leadership

Since 2020, the COVID-19 crisis has taken the world by storm, keeping us on our toes.

It has reshaped everything from workplaces to schools, travel, shopping centers, and even places of worship.

Alongside the worry for loved ones and the blurred lines between work and home life, there’s the ongoing struggle.

The economic situation in countries worldwide is still finding its balance in many places.

The profound changes ushered in by the pandemic and its aftermath have been entirely unprecedented for everyone.

Even now, the world is still adapting, with world leaders playing a crucial role in guiding nations through these challenges.

Just as with the pandemic, various sectors of life require strong leadership.

Individuals, whether as politicians, presidents, employees, CEOs, mothers, fathers, pastors, or priests, serve as guiding lights for the masses.

In various capacities, they are all looked up to as leaders, providing direction and support in their unique ways.

Humility: The Key Virtue

In a world often dazzled by charisma and assertiveness, one virtue stands out as both timeless and transformative: humility.

Looking back through history, we find that true leadership is rooted in serving humbly and gracefully.

Effective leaders embrace modesty by welcoming criticism and recognizing their limitations, without succumbing to timidity.

Instead, they own up to mistakes, acknowledge weaknesses, and celebrate the successes of others.

This humility in leadership extends to making well-informed decisions within a collective effort, free from the constraints of ego.

The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illuminated which leaders have effectively guided their countries through this crisis.

It underscores the significance of leadership in times of adversity.

This period has provided a profound educational experience, emphasizing the importance of returning to basics, standing together, seeking help, and supporting one another.

Throughout it all, the connected principles of humility and assertiveness have become essential for overcoming challenges.

They also play a crucial role in promoting unity, appreciation, and strength.

Servant Leadership in the Bible

The Bible, our timeless guidebook for believers, offers valuable lessons on leadership, stressing the significance of being humble and serving others.

One perfect example is Jesus Christ, who, despite being the Son of God, embodied servant leadership.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus demonstrates servant leadership by washing the feet of his disciples during the Last Supper.

Despite being their teacher and leader, Jesus humbled himself and took on the role of a servant, showing his disciples the importance of humility and service to others.

He said in Mark 10:45, “For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many. “

Moses also led the Israelites through the Red Sea and on their way to the promised land.

The word of God refers to this great man as the meekest man, more than any man on the face of the earth.

Despite being chosen by God as a leader, Moses consistently put the needs of the Israelites above his desires and comforts.

He interceded on their behalf, led them out of slavery in Egypt, and guided them through the wilderness, always seeking their well-being.

Despite the incident at Meribah (Numbers 20:7-13) where Moses was unable to enter the Promised Land, he led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years.

His leadership remains undisputed, testament to his profound impact on their journey.

His punishment of not entering the Promised Land was a consequence of a specific act of disobedience.

However, it does not negate his overall leadership qualities and the significant role he played in the history of Israel.

Another great leader in the Bible was Paul, who exemplified servant leadership in his ministry to the early Christian churches.

Paul tirelessly served the church, facing numerous challenges such as persecution and imprisonment.

He sacrificed his comfort and safety to spread the gospel and nurture the faith of believers.

Paul emphasizes the importance of humility, love, and selflessness in leadership throughout the New Testament epistles, such as Philippians 2 and 2 Corinthians 11, which he emulated.

Actions Speak Louder!

These three leaders—Jesus, Moses, and Paul— exemplify servant leadership through their actions and teachings.

They consistently placed the needs of others above their desires, embodying humility and providing examples for Christians today to emulate.

Together, they embody the principles of modesty in leadership and highlight how it is demonstrated through actions and the care we extend to those entrusted to our guidance by God.

The Impact of Modest Leadership

The influence of modest leadership reaches far beyond the confines of a single team or organization.

Modest leaders ignite a spark, encouraging others to mirror their humility and servant-heartedness.

This spark sets off a ripple effect, spreading throughout society like wildfire.

In a world full of conflict and selfishness, humble leaders shine brightly as symbols of hope and togetherness, guiding us towards a better, more peaceful future.


Modesty isn’t a sign of being weak; it’s a sign of being a real leader.

When leaders are humble, put others first, and set a good example, they build trust and bring out the best in everyone.

As we navigate today’s challenges, let’s remember the timeless wisdom of humility.

It should guide us as we lead and serve others.

Regardless of whatever space we find ourselves in, let’s aim to be leaders who inspire and uplift others.

The world needs more humble leaders now more than ever.

So, how can leaders be more modest in their approach?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Leadership is more about empowering others than seeking personal glory. So I think recognizing this should help make a leader more modest in their approach.

    • This is a wonderful response. Thank you for sharing 💙.

  • I think by listening. Practicing active listening can make one a modest leader in a big way.

    • This is a wonderful response. Thank you for sharing 💙

  • This article is a gem! The insights provided are very valuable.

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  • […] rely on Him for peace, safety, and goodwill. Therefore, we must pray for righteous leaders and […]

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