July 3, 2024

Embracing Forgiveness: Choosing Love Over Resentment

Embracing Forgiveness: Choosing Love Over Resentment

In life’s garden, where happiness blooms like roses and daisies, resentment can be like an unwanted weed, choking the beauty of our relationships and hindering our growth.

We’ve all experienced times when someone betrayed us.

The pain is real, my friend.

It is especially unique when it comes from someone we expected better from – someone we thought had our back.

It leaves us feeling vulnerable, questioning our judgment, and sometimes even doubting our worthiness of love and respect.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the power of words.

When someone says hurtful things, it’s like they’ve thrown darts straight into our hearts. Those words can sting and leave scars that may take time to heal.

We find ourselves replaying those hurtful words in our minds over and over again, making it even harder to move on.

We become a rollercoaster of emotions – filled with anger, sadness, confusion, and disappointment.

When Relationships Hit the Rocks, Chaos Knocks!

When relationships fall apart, they often leave behind a trail of wreckage and a whole bunch of extra baggage.

It’s not just about two or more people going their separate ways – It’s like having the ground crumble beneath your feet and being left scrambling to find your balance.

The fallout from a broken relationship can create a whole set of new challenges and issues to deal with.

The impact can have a ripple effect in other areas of your life, affecting you mentally, physically, and even spiritually.

Your self-esteem may take a hit as you question your worth and desirability. This can leave you feeling bitter, holding onto grudges, anger, and resentment.

These are enough to make your head spin!

But regardless, forgiveness is attainable.

It’s Easier Said Than Done!

Many people often say, “It’s easier said than done”, especially when it comes to virtues like forgiveness, which is no walk in the park.

We prefer to hold onto pain as a way of protecting ourselves from further harm.

Trust is fragile and it can be challenging to let go of the fear of being disappointed again.

It becomes even harder to forgive when the person who hurt us doesn’t fully understand the extent of their actions or show remorse.

Our egos want us to hold onto the anger because it feels like justice, right?

But here’s the scoop: Clinging to grudges and anger only hurts ourselves. It ties us down and keeps us from moving forward.

We’ve got the ultimate remote control for deciding how long we lug around the backpack of other people’s drama.

We can either keep it strapped on and do the limping marathon or toss it aside and feel better.

So, Forgiveness Huh?

Picture forgiveness as a cool fragrance, spreading its sweet scent all around us.

When we forgive, it’s like spraying an air freshener that gets rid of all the bad vibes in our hearts.

It is about freeing ourselves from the weight of anger, resentment, and grudges.

It’s not about forgetting, but about releasing the offence and not holding it against the offender.

Forgiveness is a personal decision. It is a process that requires genuine effort and is not dependent on the offender’s apology or change.

It is an expression of God’s love and grace working through us, enabling us to extend mercy to others when we’ve been wronged.

If Others Offend You Again, Forgive Them Again

People will occasionally step on our toes, but we can choose to offer forgiveness again and again.

When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone, Jesus replied: “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times”.

Christ was emphasizing that forgiveness should be boundless and unlimited.

Forgiving is not just a feeling; it’s a deliberate decision to let go of bitterness, grudges, retaliation, and the desire for revenge when we say “I forgive you”.

Feelings are subjective and can fluctuate based on our emotions and circumstances. Thus, if we rely solely on our feelings, we may find it difficult to let go.

So, from one heart to another: Forgiveness might not always be the life of the party in your emotions, but I assure you, it’s the secret VIP pass to peace, freedom, and emotional well-being.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • This is absolutely awesome and timely.

    Thank you for this. I pray God continue to help me to forgive those who have wronged me and those who are still going to wrong and hurt me intentionally.

    • He surely will. His grace is sufficient for you.

      Thanks for reading 💙.

  • I enjoyed this article!

  • This article really resonated with me. The points made were compelling. Id love to read more.

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