March 9, 2025

Rest Your Anxious Mind

Rest Your Anxious Mind

If you often worry and feel anxious, your mind probably needs a break.

Constant worries and stresses, day and night, do not help you improve in what you do or make you a better person.

In fact, they can disrupt your relationship with Christ, steal your peace, and hinder your ability to reflect God’s glory.

I’ve had my fair share of experience.

Turning 21 last year felt like being on a fast-moving carousel.

I was unsure about what I wanted to do with my life.

Even though I was already studying a particular course, working a job, and participating in activities to enhance that part of my life, I still felt uncertain.

I constantly feel this pressure to succeed quickly and to know the right next step.

Resting my anxious mind has been challenging, as I can’t simply stop the thoughts and worries that bombard me.

However, I’ve come to realize that sometimes the most godly thing to do is to rest, both mentally and physically.

While we can’t completely eliminate our anxious thoughts, God gives us the power to develop the mind of Christ, who was not consumed by worry or anxiety.

Therefore, we can learn to slow down our thoughts and quiet them with truth.

We can live life one day at a time. And there is hope for us to train our minds to find peace.

So what is Rest?

Sometimes I imagine rest as being on a cool island, sipping an exotic drink, and having fun, free from worries about school, family, money, or my career.

But this is unlikely to be the case.

There is no doubt that our lives are becoming more hurried, and our idea of rest is becoming more extravagant.

However, Jesus asks us to learn from Him, and unsurprisingly, His life didn’t include exotic holidays to escape stress.

He faced stressful situations and relationships but lived at a perfect pace, not overburdening Himself with unimportant things.

We need to examine our daily lives and ask ourselves if we are living at a sustainable pace and if the things we constantly worry about are truly worth it.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28-30

The Importance of Resting an Anxious Mind

Most young adults need about eight hours of sleep for optimal cognitive function.

Research has established strong links between sleep deprivation and mental health issues.

Adequate rest not only enhances memory and concentration but also improves mood and overall well-being.

Showing how crucial sleep is for maintaining mental and physical health.

This doesn’t mean that being mentally distressed makes you a weak Christian—not at all!

In the Psalms, we see that David experienced plenty of mental and emotional agony. 

He had burdens on his mind as he lay in bed at night, but he learned to take those burdens to the Lord, leave them there, and rest.

Give your anxious mind a break from overthinking and trying to solve everything.

Practice stillness, patience, and openness to God’s will.

A noisy heart cannot hear the Holy Spirit.

We must get quiet enough to listen and respond with hope and calm.

When we rush into tomorrow, make quick judgments, speed through our days, and race through our lives, our health, souls, and relationships suffer.

We must slow down to pray and commune with Christ.

We must actively listen and seek to understand, and marvel at the beauty of life and enjoy the blessings that come with good rest.

The Blessings of Rest

There are many good things and blessings that come with good rest.

The devil tries to attack our minds through distraction and stress, but a mind guarded by the peace of God is truly blessed.

Rest is not easy, but then again, not many of God’s commandments are.

As children of God, it is vital that we examine our patterns of thought and show kindness to ourselves by resting our anxious minds.

For our sake and the sake of others, we must ensure our minds find rest.

Rest is, after all, a gift from God.

How Do We Find Rest Amidst Anxious Situations?

This is probably the most pressing question.

It’s helpful to know that finding rest as believers in Christ from anxious situations involves deepening our faith and understanding of God’s promises.

In moments of worry, prayer becomes not just a ritual but a heartfelt conversation with God.

It is where we pour out our concerns and seek His peace that surpasses understanding.

Through prayer, we open our hearts to receive His guidance and comfort, trusting that He hears our cries and cares deeply for us.

Central to finding rest is surrendering our worries to God.

It’s about acknowledging our limitations and His sovereignty, allowing His will to prevail over our fears and uncertainties.

This surrender isn’t passive but an active choice to place our trust in His perfect plan, knowing that He works all things for our good and His glory.

Practicing healthy habits also contributes to finding rest.

Taking care of our physical well-being through adequate rest, and nutrition enhances our resilience against stress and anxiety.

When We Prioritize Self-Care…

We honor the bodies and minds that God has entrusted to us, creating space for His peace to dwell within us.

Trusting God in life’s challenges not only brings us greater peace, but it also sets a powerful example for others and displays God’s glory.

Our worry and anxiety do not benefit the people we care about.

In fact, our lack of rest likely fuels their worry, anxiety, and guilt as well.

While we can contribute positively, the well-being of our loved ones and the world around us does not rest solely on our shoulders.

Imagine the positive impact we could have if others sensed peace and trust in God within us, regardless of the circumstances.

God is lovingly sovereign over everything that happens in our lives and in the lives of those we love.

He reminds us in Jeremiah 32:27:

I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32:27

Do Your Best and Trust in God

We must do our part, of course, in finding rest.

Just as Solomon learns that the wisdom of seeking God leads to finding Him, and that trusting Him means surrendering every aspect of our lives, we ought to do the same.

God has plans, and he accomplishes them.

We have a role to play—working hard and diligently, but primarily seeking him with our whole heart.

We must remember that the outcome is always in his hands.

We honor God and help others more effectively when we prayerfully focus our minds.

In doing our best in love and believing that God is with us every step of the way.

Then, instead of worrying, we can peacefully trust that God will use our faithful efforts and his sovereign grace to accomplish his plans.

His plans, though not always easy, are always good and loving.

Rest your anxious mind.

Live in the joy of knowing you are loved with an everlasting love.

Ultimately, there will always be challenges, but there is peace in truly believing who you are in Christ.

Even as we lean into God’s promises and trust Him in every circumstance.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


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