July 6, 2024

What is a Platonic Marriage?

What is a Platonic Marriage?

Marriage, as traditionally understood, encompasses the idea of mutual love, emotional connection, and a sacred union between two individuals.

However, there is a relatively lesser-known concept called a “Platonic Marriage” that may seem counterintuitive in a world that often craves emotional and physical intimacy.

In this piece, we’ll be exploring its concept, its prevalence in contemporary society, and examine whether it aligns with God’s initial design for marriages.

Exploring the Concept of Platonic Marriage

In a world where love is often associated primarily with romantic or sexual relationships, the concept of a Platonic Marriage offers a distinct viewpoint.

Originating from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, a Platonic Marriage refers to a non-sexual and non-romantic companionship between two individuals within a marital contract.

This form of relationship is built on emotional connection rather than physical intimacy.

Essentially, a platonic relationship signifies a deep friendship that may differ in intensity from other types of relationships.

Motivations for Platonic Marriages

One common motivator for platonic marriages is companionship, with individuals seeking a stable and supportive partnership without the romantic or sexual components typically associated with traditional marriages.

In such cases, a deep emotional bond and friendship become the foundation of the relationship, offering each partner a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

Another motivation for choosing a platonic marriage is the alignment of life goals and priorities.

Individuals may find compatibility in these aspects, fostering a connection without necessarily desiring a romantic or intimate aspect to their partnership.

Other pragmatic considerations for entering into a platonic marriage include having the shared responsibilities of raising children with someone, the equitable distribution of financial burdens, and the provision of caregiving support during old age.

Societal Acceptance and Complexities

There is nothing inherently wrong if a healthy man and woman get married but choose not to have sex.

In contemporary society, platonic marriage is increasingly gaining acceptance.

The advent of evolving norms and increased awareness regarding diverse relationship models has fostered a more widespread acceptance of this particular form of marital relationship.

However, there could be potential issues with this decision, based on the nature of the relationship a couple shares.

One significant issue lies in navigating the emotional complexities of a marriage without romantic intimacy which can pose challenges, potentially leading to unmet needs and unfulfilled desires.

Additionally, if the married couple sees their marriage solely as a contractual agreement without acknowledging its deeper significance, there may be concerns.

Similarly, if their decision to abstain from sexual intercourse is a deliberate avoidance of having children, it raises valid concerns as well.

God’s Initial Design for Marriage

It is essential to understand that God’s initial design for marriage was never intended to be platonic.

In the book of Genesis, we find the foundational scripture validating the need for physical, emotional, and spiritual union between a husband and a wife.

The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.’ That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

God’s desire is for a man and a woman to become one, sharing the depths of a sacred bond that emphasizes the richness of love and intimacy.

The Bible commands husbands and wives to regularly meet each other’s sexual needs.

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.

1 Corinthians 7:3

So, it is expected that sexual activity will be a normal part of a marital relationship.

Ultimately, a platonic marriage seems to deviate from the biblical understanding of marriage.

While the necessity of sexual intimacy in a valid marriage can be debated, actively avoiding it contradicts the fundamental idea of marital union as described in Scripture, where two individuals are meant to become one flesh.

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.

1 Comment

  • This is quite a piece. Well, personally, the idea of a platonic marriage is a NO. I can’t imagine being in a marriage relationship where contract about not having sex is… 😅

    Anyway, thank you very much for this piece.

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