February 12, 2025

Why Do Good People Face Hardship?

Why Do Good People Face Hardship?

In our world, where everyone is touched by life’s harsh realities, be it disasters or illnesses, the pain of losing good people really hurts.

Situations like these make us wonder: “If there’s a God who’s supposed to be good and all-powerful, why do good people face hardship?”

Sometimes, people ask this question because they truly want to understand something that seems impossible to figure out. Other times, it comes from others who’ve been through tough times or seen their loved ones suffer.

They just want to know: “Why did God let this happen to me and my family? Couldn’t God stop the pain and give us a hand?”

Indeed, witnessing the upright suffer is terrible, but it’s also disheartening to see those who do wrong enjoying themselves.

My family recently confronted a challenging situation as our family friend battled a relentless illness. Despite his inspiring spirit and faith, he succumbed to cancer, leaving many bewildered, including his devoted family.

In attempting to understand why he had to pass through all that, I noted the imperfections of our world, acknowledging that earthly life is inherently flawed, irrespective of one’s character.

Think about Joseph, despite being a virtuous man, he encountered a series of challenges—from the animosity of his brothers to being unjustly sold into slavery and falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, leading to years of imprisonment. But in the end, he saw a greater plan at work.

Could it be that tough times help us become stronger and more resilient like Joseph overcoming his challenges?

Then there’s Job, who went through unimaginable struggles while staying faithful.

Job, a man of righteousness, endured great suffering as God permitted Satan to unleash his worst upon him, stopping short of taking his life. Despite his profound afflictions, Job’s response resonated with unwavering faith: “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15a).

Despite his lack of understanding, Job’s enduring trust in God remained steadfast. Does his story show us that faith can help us rise above tough times?

Even Jesus, who was the epitome of righteousness, endured unimaginable suffering, demonstrating a profound understanding of human pain.

At first, people saw it as a terrible thing—an innocent man wrongly sentenced to death. But God turned his crucifixion into a symbol of hope, fixing the separation caused by sin.

Though sinless, Jesus sacrificed His life, providing forgiveness and the path to unite with our heavenly Father. Does his story teach us that something good can come out of the hardest times?

The Bible helps us navigate through this tumultuous territory, offering comfort from a caring God, even when life gets tough.

We can’t fully understand why God allows certain things to happen because we’re not all-knowing. But we recognize that everything that occurs is either allowed or if not caused directly by Him.

To understand why bad things happen to good people, let’s first look at what we mean by “good.”

Who Is Good and What Determines It?

People tend to judge others based on how they act, using their own experiences and standards for what’s “good.”

What does the Bible say? Well, Romans 3:23, mentions that everyone, including those we see as “good,” makes mistakes and doesn’t meet God’s high standards. Life isn’t perfect because people aren’t perfect.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 3:23

According to James 2:10, breaking just one of God’s rules means breaking them all. This makes us all equal as sinners, regardless of our actions.

So, comparing ourselves to others doesn’t work—we all need Christ’s help to make things right.

Thanks to Christ, we’re seen as good. Our “new self” is becoming more like Christ, showing qualities like compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, love, peace, and thankfulness (Colossians 3:10).

Our old, sinful nature deserved God’s anger, but Christ took that burden on the cross, paying the price for our sins and satisfying God’s justice once and for all.

Why Do the Good Suffer?

To confront life’s injustices, gaining perspective and maintaining faith is crucial.

During our earthly journey, we encounter temptations, sorrows, pains, and sufferings. Certain tribulations are permitted by God, while others result from our own choices.

At times, the reasons behind people’s suffering may elude us.

Nevertheless, the Bible talks more about believers facing hard times than always winning. So, having a bit of a tough journey is something to expect.

In John 16:33, it says we’ll face troubles in life, so it’s no shock when tough times come. But sometimes, those challenges shake us up, right?

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Absolutely! But when things get hard, if we keep our eyes on God’s goodness, we can stay hopeful.

We can trust that God can conquer everything. And in His big plan, these hardships might turn out to be for our good in the end.

God Is With Us

One of the reasons God allows bad things to happen to people is not to forsake you, but to assure you of His constant presence.

As a child of God, know that the Holy Spirit dwells within you, offering comfort. Even in your loneliest moments, God is intimately close, guiding and watching over you through the darkest times.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:20b

When bad things happen to us, and we simply cannot understand, it can be challenging to believe that God is near. Despite our feelings, it’s crucial to acknowledge that our emotions don’t dictate the truth.

Even when we can’t comprehend His reasons, hold onto the assurance that God is inherently good, just, loving, and merciful (Psalm 135:3).

So when bad stuff hits good people, see it as God’s way of saying, “Come closer to me.” The big question is: Will you take that step?

Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight!

About Author


Shalom is a dynamic writer passionate about inspiring and encouraging others through her work. Through her posts and media content, she shares messages of truth, faith, hope and love.


  • Great mix of truth and insight!

  • Excellent read! The points made here are compelling.

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